People See Us Differently Now

Day 3

I am not accustomed to people thinking I am different from them. Are you?  Minister’s wives may as well get used to this misperception, because it is true in their eyes—the people we serve. We know the truth, that we are not different, yet what may be different is our degree of obedience, or our willingness to follow God.

I remember my husband’s first pastorate. It was so rural that there were no traffic signal or street signs. Spider webs hung from the church pews and things suffered from neglected. People seemed unduly interested in our meals, our clothes, and our activities. They failed to realize their requests were multiplied by every other person/family of the congregation. They loved us in their own ways, as some delighted in providing for us and giving us special things. Some of those precious people are still friends today.

Do you recall a time when you were young, and the pastor or his wife said hello to you at church or visited your home? Did you feel special or honored in their presence?  Somebody thinks that about you now! Now you are that person. That special man is your husband!

Regardless of relationships or sweet friendships we form, people still perceive us as different from them and God does too! He asked us to follow in a special manner of life called ministry. He did suggest some new job; He asked us to embark on a life of ministry.

We are examples. Now, please don’t think I like this fact – I just know it’s true! Jesus provided examples of ministry for us and expects the same of us (John 13:15).

We translate faith into a verb! Faith becomes the impetus for our walk, our choices, and our life. Faith affirms the message of our lives —because we choose to follow and obey (See Hebrews 11:2).

We trust God for our well-being and provision. Luke 12:31 tells us,

“He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern” (NLT).

I have discovered He also adjusts my wants as I make His way first in my life.

We live sinless lives.  Gotcha on that one!  What a joke!

Questions for today:

Am I willing to be different, or do I hesitate because I desire the approval of others?  How is faith a verb in my life?

List ways God has provided for you and your husband. Thank Him today.

If you are just joining us today, please feel free to read the introduction to this devotional series.

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  1. I think I’ve been a little different my whole life (only child, excelled in school, didn’t date much, stood out in a lot of ways because of my stand for God) so perhaps being “different” as a pastor’s wife is sort of an extension of that. It doesn’t really bother me if people think our family is different…maybe we are. I am passionate about being transparent with the people we serve though. We can’t pretend to be perfect or better than anyone else; instead we need to set an example of how to handle our weaknesses…through humility! Humility that is willing to apologize and submit, humility that is willing to let God be God. I think I saw my differentness (is that even a word?…and she says she excelled in school!) with a dose of pride when I was younger. Over time and especially over the past year with what God has brought us through as a family I just want to learn to “walk humbly with my God” all the days of my life and let people think what they will. I am dust and need not pretend to be anything more than that. I have no image to preserve, just an image to reflect — JESUS!

  2. Great feedback Erin… You sound like you have much to share, and could be so helpful to women who haven’t made “peace” with being different. We all need to learn from one another, and sounds to me like you’ve been training for a while now! 🙂 good for you! Anita

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