What Will This Cost?

Day 4

When we are new in ministry, we have little insight into the costs. Jesus cautions us to count the cost, but we have little wherewithal to do that. How can we understand disappointment we have never faced? How can we understand the cost of living far away from Mom? How can we understand the challenges of working alongside people who don’t share our understandings?

You may face costs in relationships. Years ago, Joyce Landorf  Heatherly wrote a book called Irregular People and it’s always been one of my favorites. Joyce recommended we not pay full price, emotionally, for people who are “irregulars”. Think of stores today like Big Lots, or places where you can save a lot of money on irregulars. When we shop there we hunt for bargains, knowing there may be scratches, dents, or flaws. People we meet have scars and wounds that cause them to act in irregular ways. Trust your insights. Don’t continue to pay top prices to please irregular people. The price will always go up, and it’s usually too high!

Most likely, you will not have-it-all. That could mean fashion, vehicles, a home, or location of ministry.  You may never enjoy a luxurious cruise or a fantastic vacation. Vacations might mean opportunities to visit family who live far away. The list of “costs” could continue. Make your own list if you like.

What rewards come in spite of the cost? Many! Everlasting ones!

Allow me to give you hope. After years of ministry, I do not regret the costs. Even with reflections, I would not change my life in ministry. Why? The joy is indescribable. A sense of fulfillment is irreplaceable. Knowing I seek to follow God as sincerely as I know how is its own reward.

Here is a challenge. Early in ministry learn to identify eternal things, eternal investments and eternal rewards. Live toward that goal and you will find great joy and His pearl of great price. Matthew 13:46 tells about the man who sold his all to seek the pearl, worth any price. Jesus spoke of the gospel, and I think that includes a life abandoned to Him.

Have you identified costs for following into ministry? If/when it seems too great, seek help. CJ is a safe place to find encouragement and prayer support. We are not women who have arrived! We won’t say, “been there, done that”! We are still there, doing that, and adjusting to demands of His life, yet, it is worth it.

If you are just joining us today, please feel free to read the introduction to this devotional series.

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