Live in Kairos!

“At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6
“Understanding the present time. The hour has come to wake up.” Romans 13:11

“Live in Kairos.” This phrase has been bouncing around in my head all summer. In Greek, two words are used to describe time. Kronos, referring to general time and the other is Kairos, meaning strategic time, a particular time, a season, an opportune time, the right time, an appointed time.

I’m convicted that most days are spent evaluating kronos that has past, fuming over kronos lost or planning kronos coming up rather than living in the kairos. I have missed opportunities of obedience. I have not lingered or left an influence as I could’ve or should’ve. So, determined to be aware of the difference….I’m making a concentrated effort to live each day focused on kairos not just kronos.

I know that this world is driven by kronos and I understand the purpose of it all but what if you and I as Christians begin to live in the appointed time around us. To live and to savor the season that God has placed us. To understand that there is a right time and a wrong time for most things. As Ministry Wives realizing that an appointed time doesn’t always mean it’s going to be easy or even fun but if we are walking into an appointed time – we can trust the heart of the ONE who has appointed….the time. He set the kronos and kairos in motion. Both require our participation. I have become keenly aware of how quickly time is passing. TIME. We seem to never have enough of it.

I have concluded that kronos is passing and fleeting and really gives a sense of time spent and then lost. You and I should focus on kairos. Kairos being time of eternal significance. Time spent that eternally will never be forgotten. Are you living kronos or kairos?

Praying that our days will be spent with a focus on kairos!

Can you relate? Post your comments in the forum or here. Remember when you click on the forum if you are not signed in you will need to do so in order to post a comment.


2010HEADSHOTDiane Nix is director and founder of Contagious Joy. She is the spiritual mom of two grown daughters. (Kasia 32 & Courtney 30) The birth mom of two miracle daughters – one college sophomore Rebekah and one 16 year old Rachel. She and her professor/pastor husband, Dr. Preston Nix, have served in ministry for 31 years August 2014. She speaks and teaches whenever the Lord gives her opportunity. Gratefully acknowledging that He has plucked her out of her birth family mire in order to share HIS LOVE!

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  1. You certainly hit “the nail on the head” to me. I can relate how often I dwell on the past, of what could have been said or done, and worry about what is going to happen in the future. I do need to think about God’s timing and stay in kairos. I need to think about His plan for me for this time in my life.

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