How’s Life?

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy….” John 10:10a NIV 


“How’s life?”  Someone I once knew often asked me that. Depending on the day that can be a loaded question and often I didn’t really know how to answer them.


Truly most people would rather not hear what is really happening in your life.  Some days were good; everything was going as I thought it should.


Some days were not so good; not up to my expectations.   On the not so good days I felt as if I had been robbed. Who robbed me? Well, I could say that it was people who weren’t cooperating. There were some who didn’t follow through, some who said unkind things, any number of reasons.



Truthfully I allowed myself to be cheated. I developed an attitude. As a result life wasn’t so great those days. I wished those days away.

I wasted them by not acknowledging them as a gift from God. The wiser choice would be numbering my days and growing in wisdom.

Have you been sidetracked lately; losing sight of what you knew God would have you focus your energy on.

  • The thief comes to steal our joy and hope.
  • The thief comes to kill our love for life.
  • The thief comes to destroy our relationships and families.
  • The thief is far too often successful in hindering the work God would have us do.

With the economic downturn and the demands of the fast pace life of today so many have fallen into the mindset of “just get through this day, this week, this month. If I could just make a little more money, if I could just have a little more time, if could get a little help and cooperation. And sadly, statistics say that those who claim to be Christians are just as likely to have this mindset as those who don’t. That should not be the case. We have promises from the One who loves us more than we can comprehend, has plans for hope and a future.  He is in control when everything seems to be out of control.


Ministry families often have extra expectations placed on us that God never intended us to carry. If we continue to carry the extra load the enemy will use that to steal our joy of ministry, to kill our love for the life of serving, to destroy our relationships with those in our church family and our immediate family.  It is so important that we constantly be checking with our Helper and evaluate how we are expending our energy. Number your days right and grow in wisdom.


Meet me in the forum to chat about the demands of ministry life, your joy meter, and the tricks of the “thief” and how avoid them.


Check back next week when we will ponder John 10:10b and The Life!

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  1. Thank you Imcafee.
    There are a lot of people and things trying to pull us in different directions. The “thief” loves to use this to distract us.

    I would like to hear from all of you about some of the tricks the “thief” has tried to use on you and your family. What have you found helps when you come up against them?

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