First Time Lessons

  When you are a new pastor’s wife most everything is a first occasion. If your husband is a pastor, then you have a new pastor too! I hope you love the messages God gives your pastor/husband.  One student wife confided to me, “I just hate how my husband tries to preach.” Now that would…

God’s People

I believe church congregations who work with first-time pastors must be a really special bunch of folks!  I believe God must have a special love for those congregations. There was so much my husband and I did not know as we began with that first place of service; we didn’t even know questions to ask….

That First Place

Day 10 Welcome to your first ministry opportunity!  You must be excited, thrilled, and eager to engage in real ministry! How is this first place of service different from where you were? Is the state or town different? Is the church rural, metropolitan, or suburban? Are the church members like the people you were accustomed…

Living God’s Way

Have you found yourself in a bind, and wondering, just how do we live like this? (This, of course, will vary family to family.)  What are the demands you face? What choices do you face just now? One common dilemma to many new in ministry is that of being under-employed. I chose to be the…

New Friends—or Not

Day 8 I had this weird and wonderful concept that people in ministry would eagerly befriend one another! In the early student days, people seemed more willing to be friends, but once pastors and their families lived nearer their respective churches, friendships with others in ministry seldom occurs. When we moved to a new state,…

Is This IT?

Day 7: Ministry! So excited! We began this journey called ministry! Okay. Now what? Life seems somewhat normal again. Routine things still happen. Things are much as they were before. We relocated for hubby to attend school, and now we must find a new church family. People in this new congregation see us as students,…

How Do We Get There?

Day 6:   The how question is not about strength or ability, or moving companies etc., but is about the finances.  The there destination is not about a place but represents a woman’s sense of financial security.  “Just trust God, He will provide,” people say.  Such trite phrases flow easily when we say it to…

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