How Do We Get There?

Day 6:


The how question is not about strength or ability, or moving companies etc., but is about the finances.  The there destination is not about a place but represents a woman’s sense of financial security.  “Just trust God, He will provide,” people say.  Such trite phrases flow easily when we say it to others, when it does not apply personally. When one is new in ministry, there are many categories of questions, and few places to get answers. (It’s not that others won’t tell you the truth, you just feel sort of stupid asking such questions in the first place!)

Maybe similar questions swirl around in your mind, like these: How can we afford this big lifestyle change? I haven’t worked in a while, and now he wants to go to school? He used to work full-time, and now it will be part-time at best! How long will it take a church to ask us to serve, and compensate us? What do churches pay, anyway? What can I count on each week for groceries, and other things? The list could keep on going.

When was the last time you focused on Matthew 6:25-34? Concisely, it says not to worry about what you will eat or drink, or your clothes.  Let me share one way God helped me in this regard. Early in our call to ministry, I was in awe that God would use us and nothing else seemed to matter. God had a way of changing my wants, and things seemed to last, much like the Hebrew children who walked in the wilderness. Provision came—not by my choice, but for our necessity.

We did change our lifestyle. We redefined fun occasions as family picnics or whatever we could do for almost no cost. We shared dinner with friends, and spent time with other families. We sat outside and watched the stars on quiet summer nights.

Investigate scholarships and loans for education costs. Find ways to purchase or lease used textbooks. With internet capabilities, things are readily available.

Realize that the source of your income (employment) does not define your personal value.  This is a big obstacle for men and some women today. You may find yourself working at a local fast-food place or somewhere you always considered “insignificant.” However, the dollars you earn there will purchase the same food! The bottom line is your willingness to contribute while you wait for God to furnish His part.

It was difficult for me to feel secure when my husband’s income was 100 percent commission, rather than salaried.  Somewhere along the pathway, I had a big realization: churches rely on people who willingly give tithes and offerings. People must part with their money for churches to pay employees and other expenses. Ministry income depends on people who attend, and on those who give. Now, that may seem much more risky than 100 percent commission, which depends on a man’s ability and hard work. Ministry income depends on God moving on the hearts of people and their obedience!

It’s no wonder that when we follow God’s call to journey with Him in ministry, He tells us not to worry, but to put your trust in God. Transition begins, and I hope you find yourself seeing God as the source of your income, regardless of who signs the paycheck!

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