Books I Read Say…..

Books I Read Say….

When I was a young minister’s wife, there were few printed materials to offer advice. Books or articles I read seemed to point to some perfection that was so out of reach for me; it seemed unnatural. My life was had changed drastically: I was in the trenches now. My days of walking on the mountaintops, when nothing touched my joy of this new calling on our lives seemed to slip away. Life changed, and I wondered, what is wrong with me??

I found myself working a fulltime job, and although my work was in a ministry environment, it was so different from anywhere I had been before. I no longer had hours per day to devote to spiritually uplifting things. That’s when I read a new book, about the abundant spiritual life. Now this famous author knew about spiritual things, and I recalled knowing that abundance in my life, but that was then.

I thought, “Oh yeah, I did feel that way, but it’s gone now… what’s wrong with ME?” A loving woman, a bit older than me, offered me wise advice. “Often authors write about one side of an issue, but remember: life has two sides! One side is victory and abundance, and the other side is longing and perseverance. One is the mountaintop, and the other is the valley. Look at both sides of things; don’t despair! Keep going!” Her words were a fresh drink in my desert.

It was sage advice as she brought me back to THE book, and suggested I hold to the principles and promises there. Be reminded with me today:

II Timothy 4:5 – – endure, and fulfill.  Only you can do this, no one else! God believes you are capable to endure and come through affliction. Carry His assignment for your life to its completion. Stay true to Him.

Acts 20:24 – – finish the task and thereby testify to God’s grace.  You and the Father are a majority! He is with you today, and supplies what you require to live for Him.

I Timothy I:12 – – I am grateful to the one who has strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he considered me faithful in putting me into ministry,

Dear Precious Sister, be encouraged today by the One who counts! He says you CAN endure, and it IS possible to continue to completion, and you will BE a testimony to God’s grace. So thank Him today, tell Him how grateful you are that Christ Jesus your Lord considered YOU faithful, and He put you into ministry.


Anita Onarecker Wood

Author/Devotional Writer/Speaker and Teacher Anita writes from a God-given passion and the overflow of His activity in her life. She was a young mother of two when her husband Dick Onarecker, recognized God’s call on his life. Suddenly she was a minister’s wife! For years they worked together, so when Dick died suddenly in 1996, her life changed in every conceivable way. More….

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