Ministry “Work”

No matter how wonderful a person, place, or thing is, there seems to be something connected to it that is just not fun. Every fulfilling thing has another side, a requirement: it takes effort—I call it grunt work!  It’s in the details, and requires you to think-through, organize, plan, prepare—in other words, work. It requires we expend effort.

Ministry is a joy, it fulfills as we walk the mountain peak of spiritual exhilaration.  However, “Monday comes” and the work side must be attended to. I believe one four-letter word constitutes the work of ministry: t.i.m.e.  The very nature of ministry means setting self-interests aside and engaging with God for the good of others.

Ephesians 4:12 reflects the work of ministry:

  • Time with God; receiving something valuable to give others.

Ephesians 4:12 clarifies our assignment: we are to equip others for the work of ministry, work being the product and accomplishments of ministry. For others to step into their ministry, leaders must lead, which means they are ahead of the followers. Do you spend enough time and energy with God, learning His ways and who He is so you can help others understand? This is work of ministry. This is service. Primary principle: we receive from God, in order to give of God.  We give what we first received.


  • Time preparing, making sure the details of your presentation, or tools for your work are in place and ready to use. Equip is the key word from this passage, and means  assembling and preparing the physical things that supplement ministry.


  • Time engaging in activity that benefits another. Service expresses the very nature of ministry and it is beyond us, outward, toward others.


  • Ephesians 4:12 assigns the work of ministry: to equip, FOR the building up of others, for their benefit.


Have you adopted God’s plan of ministry? Take time to review the demands, and choose to engage to glorify Him.



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