Teach Your Children

Week 28, Thursday

Diane Strack

And behold, I Myself am bringing floodwaters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the earth shall die. But I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall go into the ark—you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. Genesis 6:17-18 (nkjv)

On occasion, I am drawn to stop and ponder the jewel-toned, lively painting at the top of the stairs. It is the only rendering I have ever seen of Noah that shows the ark in the process of being built rather than completed, and I love that. I know the Lord will continue building His purpose in me until the day of completion. There sits Noah, surveying the half-finished ark while animals rest at his feet awaiting instruction. He is focused on the door, knowing the judgment it represents, but grateful for the salvation it holds. The painted drama speaks to me about believing in the provision of God for my life and for eternity.

The most poignant strokes of the artist may belong to the sons and wives sitting and working nearby who must have often asked, “Dad, are you sure you know what you are doing?” How many times the wives must have wanted to stop and go into town to catch up on news or peruse the wares of merchants. Noah demonstrated a bold confidence in God’s covenant plan as he worked, knowing his fervent faith was the only proof he could offer to the family of their need of salvation from the rains to come. Nothing was more important than keeping his family focused on believing and living the Word of God because he knew it was their only hope of salvation for this life and the next.

Within this scene is the example of the godly parent we all long to be: one who shows her children the truths and reality of sin and the door to the ark of salvation, who teaches both the judgment of our righteous Lord and the penetrating protection of the Savior. As parents, we know that it is only the Word of God that will keep our children steady on the adventure of faith and unto salvation. We must place great value on being sure our children know the Word of God for themselves, that they receive salvation by faith, and that we impart to them an understanding of a privileged covenant with the living God.

Jesus said, “I am the door” (John 10:9, nkjv). Today, as you walk through life, many are watching you and wondering about the Door. Focus today, as Noah did, on safely gathering every one you can to enter therein through your testimony of genuine, unwavering faith.

Show my children the truth of Your Word unto salvation. Like Noah, I long to build an ark of protection for my family and teach them of the door of salvation. I thank You for the security of salvation and the sure seal of Your Word. I stand by the Door. Amen.

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