Words of Life

Week 4, Weekend
Donna Avant

Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.  James 3:5-6

Twenty sets of dark brown eyes are on me as I ask one question: “What hurtful words have been said to you?” Their responses include such words or phrases as fat girl, black girl, dumb, half-breed, ghetto, stupid, you ain’t nobody, and lazy.

These responses belong to a group of young people who are part of Broaden Horizons, an outreach and mentoring program of our church. The goal of Broaden Horizons is to transform the lives of inner-city teens who live in the neighborhood around our church by introducing them to Christ and instilling the values of honesty, integrity, teamwork, empowerment, and respect into their lives so they will be able to succeed in society as productive leaders and citizens.

After learning what hurtful words they hear, I ask them what words they would like to hear. Their responses include: I am proud of you, good job, keep pushing, you are an amazing person, smart, I love you, and beautiful.

Now imagine you’re with me in a large women’s prison in Central Asia. It is filled with predominantly Muslim women. Some of the women have come to know Christ. I share a story from God’s Word and then tell the women how proud I am of them for becoming believers in such harsh conditions. Several of them tear up. I ask why they are so emotional. It’s because no one has ever said the words, “I am proud of you,” to these women.

Back at home I sit at my kitchen table with several educated, successful, and wealthy women of our city. As they share their hearts with me I say the words, “I am so proud of you! You are allowing God to really work in your lives.” They all tear up. I ask why. They respond that very few women in their lives have ever said those words to them.

In James 3:5 the tongue is referred to as small spark that can cause a great fire—a destructive blaze. Many of the previously mentioned women’s lives have been devastated by negative words. God is calling us to use our mouths as a fountain of life (see Proverbs 10:11). It doesn’t matter the region of the world someone’s in, whether they’re across the street, across the ocean, or in the ghettos. We all need to hear words that bring life!

Heavenly Father, enable me today to use my tongue to bring life. Fill my mouth with words that lift up and not tear down. May I be a woman who will cause a fire of encouragement with my tongue instead of a fire of destruction. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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