God’s Word Counsels Us to Be Patient in Trials

Week 41, Wednesday

Karyn Wilton


But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me . . . Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

1 Timothy 1:16

We could not encourage our hearts to be patient in any better way than with the words of God Himself:

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31, kjv).

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to be patient” (Romans 5:3, tlb).

“For when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete” (James 1:3-4, tlb).

“This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus” (Revelation 14:12).

Are you facing trials today? God is speaking to you through His Word. So let us be of good cheer as we wait upon Him. Let us not run from this trial, but let it grow God’s character in us. Let us renew our strength at the eternal source and so remain firm in our faith that is pleasing to God. Jesus always has a higher purpose for our lives. Dare we accept these trials as filtered through His fingers of love? Yes, we can!

Precious heavenly Father, You suffered the ultimate pain by taking upon Yourself the sins of the world. No greater depth of sorrow was ever felt but You patiently endured the Cross for us. You surrendered Yourself to reconcile us to Your Father. Because of You, Jesus, I can celebrate eternal life and the forgiveness of my sins. Help me to see the big picture in my trials and to even rejoice in them, knowing that my demonstrated patience is a reflection of the quality of my relationship with You. Deep calls to deep, and I want to go deep in my walk with You. Forgive me for shrinking away from those refining times. Give me courage to rest in You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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