
Wherever we go, tell!

I’ve just spent two days in the place where God’s finger and the great flood carved a deep, wide, beautiful canyon on the surface of the earth! It’s gorgeous! At every stop there is evidence of our creator.

Preston and I caught an early morning flight to Los Angelas. While on the plane I met a young woman and our conversation, turned to a spiritual discussion. She is seeking. This 21-year-old – is very interested in God. She desires to know, who He is and where He could lead her. She even became open and admitted that she has been praying to Him regularly and asking Him to help her with her anxiety. Our conversation became very specific concerning the gospel and how He loves her. We spoke of His sacrifice for her. We left her with information to process, and I am praying and hopeful that one day soon, Julie Beth will receive the gift of eternal life.

We landed in Los Angelas, our youngest picked us up, and we crammed ourselves in her already full car to begin our trek back to Louisiana. Our plan – celebrate Preston’s birthday on the rim of the Grand Canyon. Eight hours later and 24 hours after we had begun our journey we crashed in the bed! Trying to sleep in our body clocks woke us up early and we ended up having breakfast in the hotel restaurant where we met Michael. A young 20 something man who, just like Julie Beth is seeking. For two consecutive breakfast days, we dialogued about the goodness of God and false religions. He was and is a new friend! We committed to pray for Him each day. Our prayer is soon; he will call upon the Lord as His Savior.

Then on our final morning, Preston and I woke before dawn. In the quiet space of pre-dawn, we walked quickly to a point we had been told would have the best view of the sunrise. While walking, I suddenly had the thought that we were walking just as Mary Magdalene had walked on that morning Christ arose. In the dark, but enough light to see the path, we walked determined to reach our destination before the sun peaked above the rim.

We were determined to see the sun! Mary was determined to see and minister to the Son. When she arrived and discovered the stone rolled away – she turned and ran to Simon Peter and John. She exclaimed that He was gone and that they had taken Him and they didn’t know where! The disciples ran to the tomb with Mary following and discovered it was true! There the linen cloths laid and the cloth covering His head was folded and laid separately by itself. Not understanding, they returned to where they were staying. (John 20:1-9)

Mary though stood outside the tomb and was crying, she stooped low and saw two angels in white. They asked her why she was crying, and she replied that they had taken her Lord and she didn’t know where they had taken him. She turned and saw Jesus standing there, but she didn’t know him. He said, “Woman, why are you crying?” Her answer was simple, “Because they’ve taken away my Lord and I don’t know where they’ve put him. If you tell me where you’ve carried him, I’ll take him away!” At that moment Jesus called her by name, “Mary!” She said to him, “Rabboni!” – which means “Teacher.” After a brief conversation, Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!” (John 20:11-18)

Easter celebration has past but let’s never get past the events of those days. Those events set us apart from every other world religion. We have the truth, and we must tell it. It has been ringing in my ears this week that as we go, we tell. People, young and old are seeking.

What if while it was dark, You and I would rise and walk out the day purposely, willing to tell.

What if You and I seek out the ones who are seeking the ONE?

What if we tell our own story of redemption and stop getting lost in the rhetoric of our religion?

We will not win all, but we will win some, and along the way, we will meet Jesus, in the faces of some of those who, like us, are going and telling along the way!

I love you dear ones. We have the most excellent news of all!
I am always praying for you!
Love, Diane

Diane is the director and founder of Contagious Joy. She and her professor/pastor husband, Dr. Preston Nix, have served in ministry for 35 years. She speaks and teaches whenever the Lord gives her opportunity.

Don’t miss the free opportunity for you to pull away and Refresh for FREE! We are headed to Prince Edward Island, Canada – The place of “Anne of Green Gables” and so much more! come rest and Refresh with us!

Check out the Life Way You Lead schedule and I’ll meet you there!

You can check out Contagiousjoy4him.com and Diane’s statement of faith here.

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