God Doesn’t Change

Week 49, Monday

Anne Wright

I am the Lord, and I do not change. Malachi 3:6 (nlt)

Change happens to everyone! It is so easy, when unexpected change occurs, to think you are the only one who has experienced it. But the fact is, change is universal.

There are simple changes that are intentional such as changing your hair color, wall color, or style of clothes. There are the more complicated changes of a career move or change of address, which can affect the whole family. Some changes are joyful, such as a wedding or a birth. Other changes are of a more traumatic nature, like illness or death.

Many people thrive on change, feeling static or bored when things remain the same. Others balk at change, preferring the ritual and routine of predictability. But regardless of your feelings about change, it can’t be avoided.

But as inevitable as change is, there is one thing that remains a constant that can be depended upon. God never changes! Did you know that the Bible tells us in Malachi 3:6 that God says of Himself, “I am the Lord, and I do not change”?

Think for a moment what that one statement means to all for the change that life brings. God does not change even when any or all of your circumstances change. But the knowledge that God does not change, and the knowledge of what His Son Jesus came to do, can change our perspective on all of life’s changes quite a bit.

Jesus came so that we might have a rich and satisfying life (see John 10:10). He came to give eternal life (see John 10:28), and He came as the way, the truth, and the life—the only Way to the Father (see John 14:6).

The satisfying, eternal life Jesus brings allows you to live in His strength, with His peace, surrounded by His love. You can have this, knowing it will not change and it is not dependent upon the dynamics of your ever-changing life.

So change, as familiar as the sunrise and as regular as the ticking clock, will always be with us. But the constant is God’s faithfulness. As we walk with Him, He causes adjustments in who we are to make us fit His plan for our lives.

He will change us!

Gracious heavenly Father, thank You that You do not change. Thank You that I can know You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Allow me to experience Your abundant life and life everlasting. Change me by the power of Your Word. Amen

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