Thin Within


Kim Weaver*

Thin Within: Rebuilding God’s Temple is a faith-based weight loss Bible study developed by Judy Wardell Halliday, the author of the book Thin Within: A Grace-Oriented Approach to Lasting Weight Loss.


This approach is a “non-diet” that involves no calorie, fat, or carbohydrate counting….no weighing or measuring your food. There are no “special foods or drinks” that you are required to eat and no exercise required for the purpose of weight loss. In fact, it takes the focus off the food and places it on a close, intimate relationship with the loving Father who created us with the natural signals of hunger and satisfaction.


I began practicing this approach to weight loss after a lifetime of battling my weight. I had been a “yo-yo” dieter for all of my teen and adult life. I had sought after almost every “expert” in the field of dieting and exercise – except proponents of surgery. I was frustrated, angry at myself for not being able to fix this problem in my life. But the real problem was that I had neglected to seek God for the solution to my overeating. God opened my eyes to Colossians 2:20-23 which says, “Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: ‘Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!’? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.” That was my problem….sensual indulgence! Only God could take care of that sin in my life!


I discovered a Bible study that was being promoted in churches that taught an amazing method of weight loss….eat regular foods and still lose weight by listening to God’s signals. I began a class in my church and was excited to see the miraculous things God was doing in my life. Then, Satan stepped in and began his destructive work. It was revealed that this particular Bible study was not scripturally sound in its doctrine. I could no longer promote it! After much prayer over this devastating turn of events, God brought the “Thin Within” book to my attention through a close friend. The methods for weight loss were exactly what I had been practicing already, and the book was right in line with what God teaches in His Holy Word.


I am excited once again to be leading a Bible study based on the God-given weight loss principles of hunger and satisfaction. God is working in my life and in the lives of those involved in the study to teach us to trust Him with every aspect of our lives, including our food issues. He is the one and only Creator and the Lover of my soul!


Instead of running to food for comfort and fulfillment, I am learning to run to Him and crawl up in His lap daily for every need. The closeness I am experiencing with the Lord is the number one benefit of the Thin Within Bible study….the weight loss is a huge bonus! God is amazing and loves us more than we could ever imagine! It is such a blessing to be able to lay our burdens at His feet and let Him carry us! Praise His Holy Name!

*I am the wife of a wonderful husband, Phillip, and the mother of two beautiful children… Haleigh, who is in college serving the Lord through Baptist Campus Ministries and her local church, and Jeremiah, who is very active in youth group and technology in our church.  My husband and I have been in ministry for 22 years serving churches in Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Delaware. I enjoy teaching young adults in my church, but my number one priority as a pastor’s wife is being just that…….the Pastor’s wife!  I believe there is no greater calling and privilege for a woman than to support her husband fully in the ministry God has called him to do! I am truly blessed beyond belief!

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  1. I’m so glad to know about this study! I, too, taught & practiced the freeing principles of the weight-loss method you mentioned. God used it as a huge tool in my life & walk with Him. It broke my heart to see it go off-track as it did. I have battled for the past 15 years to continue eating as unto the Lord & obeying His methods of hunger & fullness, and have many times wished for a similar but completly scripturally sound study & accountability group to join. I will be looking into this ASAP.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Jennifer Walker

  2. Fabulous! It truly is all about our FOCUS…what satisfies ME or what brings Glory to GOD? When I focus on glorying God my dear hubby benefits too…after all my body is his!

  3. Hi Jennifer!
    I highly recommend the workbook for this study! The original Thin Within book is good, but the workbook is wonderful! The website to see a sample lesson and order is You can actually do the study entirely on your own. Most groups are simply support groups.

  4. That is absolutely true, Melody! Improving our relationship with God always results in improved relationships with others around us!

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