Examples of Courage: Natalie’s Courage

Week 9, Thursday
Pam Brewer


But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

The verse above is special to our family, because we chose it for our daughter. And this is the one she chose for herself: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). These two verses came to comfort us at a time in her life when we needed it most.

Natalie was a lively, courageous young lady of thirteen when she was surprised by a great test of faith. Happy to be a witness for Christ, she approached a group of students, inviting them to a prayer at the flagpole. Ridicule and badgering followed her invitation. One young man started talking with Natalie. She remembers seeing him look back at his friends just before he hit her in the face and knocked her head into a doorframe. What followed were months of physical therapy and years of pain.

Early on, Natalie questioned God’s purpose. The prolonged suffering was difficult for the entire family. As time began to heal Natalie’s head injury, God continued His plan of developing Natalie into a braver, more compassionate, more steadfast young lady. A few months after her injury, God allowed her to finish what she had started when Natalie courageously invited that same young man to a youth rally. There, with her big brother Ben, they shared Christ with him. Though he did not accept Christ, Natalie was able to trust God to cultivate the seed. She could continue to plant seeds in others.

Today Natalie is the bride of a wonderful young man. They are both planning to enter medical school and are open to whatever God has planned. When I read 2 Corinthians 6:3-10 I think of the suffering Natalie endured, knowing that hardships bring God’s new direction. Natalie would not have known medicine would be her calling if she had not understood the compassion for those who are hurting.

Courage comes from trusting. God knows what He is doing, all the time, even when we don’t understand the circumstances. Natalie discovered courage by persistently uncovering His presence and provision in the task He set before her. The victory has come to Natalie even though she is reminded occasionally of that surprising test of faith. I am honored to be the one to tell you today that Natalie is a woman of courage.

Lord, You bring me through hardships, and You do not permit hundreds of others. I will trust that You know what You are doing, all the time, even when I don’t understand the circumstances. Amen.

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