Taking Responsibility for the Choices We Make–Lesson 7

Part 1

Part 2

Shame and Blame Are Not for Me!

I’ve made mistakes and I am going to make more.
Some of the mistakes I’ve made knowingly and some of them I made out of
I’m genuinely sorry for the mistakes I’ve made, especially the ones that have
caused others grief.
As far as it is possible for me, I will seek forgiveness from those who’ve been
wounded by my mistakes.
Whether or not they forgive me, I will choose to forgive myself.
I can forgive myself because God forgives me.
I will honor Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross by agreeing with Him when He
said, “It is Finished!”
I will agree that the price that needed paying for the mistakes I’ve made and the
mistakes I’ve yet to make was enough.
Jesus—the perfect Son of God who willingly suffered for my mistakes– knew
when enough was enough.
I will honor His obedience, I will honor His suffering; I will honor His death; and I
will honor His resurrection from the dead by choosing to live each day applying
the blessing of the cross to my heart and my mind.
I will not harbor shame.
I will not participate in blame.
I will live as a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in my rightful position of
power and influence as I take us the cause of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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