Jesus, Our Joy–Lesson 9

Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 9
I’m so proud of you for making it to lesson 9. It’s never easy to stick with something for this many weeks. I’m certain that God has spoken to your heart as you have allowed His Word to wash over you.

In lesson 9, Paul reminds the Philippians of how important it is to find unity with one another. He is moved with compassion for the lost when he pleads with the Philippians to seek to find common ground.

Paul reminds the church that the lost are headed for hell and as believers they shouldn’t be so easily led astray by the worlds’ ways because they are citizens of heaven. They belong to God and one day they will experience transformed bodies when they go home.

In this lesson, we cover the immediate context Paul is referring and practical application for us, as believers, living in a fallen, broken world.

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One Comment

  1. As a pastor’s wife, Monday mornings always seem to be spiritually challenging. I have been using this Bible study on Monday mornings and it has helped get me over the hurdle and prepared for the week ahead. Thank you for making this Bible Study available.

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