God’s Word Hidden/Showing

God’s Word hidden on the inside…showing on the outside!

“My mothers and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” (Luke 8:21)

imageAs I watched my little girls play hide and seek last week, the younger mimicking the older as they slowly counted to ten and then rushed off to find their sister, I realized that there are two distinct and equally important parts to that game.  They thankfully did not leave their sister in a dark closet all day!  Without the seeking, there is no game…a cruel prank maybe, but no game.  This reminded me of our interaction with God’s word.  There is “knowing” and “doing”.  I’m sure we’ve all read that faith without works is dead and could probably quote passages about hearing and doing the word of God, but…
how often have we fooled ourselves into believing that “knowing” is half the battle when in fact, “knowing” counts for nothing in our battle if it’s not coupled with “doing”.
Those same darling girls that love to play “hide and go-to-seek” (as they call it) sometimes have a hard time connecting their Hide and Seekknowing and doing too.  They know they must clear their dishes after supper and put their dirty clothes in the laundry hamper, but all too often I find yesterday’s outfits strewn over bedroom floors and plates and bowls forgotten on the dinner table.  And I wonder if this is a smidgen of how God must feel when we know so much of His word but leave the “doing” undone.  I’ll admit that sometimes I am just oblivious to the opportunities right in front of me, but other times I willfully pass up the chance to act.  Either way, my negligence is usually rooted in hurry and selfishness.

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I was recently struck by how adamant Jesus is that we hear His words and put them into practice.  The following verses teach us that when it comes to faith, action is absolutely vital: Luke 6:47-48; 8:15, 21.  In these passages Jesus promises a firm foundation (and notice there is no such thing as a half-foundation!), fruitfulness in His kingdom, and fellowship with Him as His family if we will hear AND do God’s word.  These are blessings I don’t want to pass up!  I want the kind of life that does not crumble in the storms but stands strong for the Lord.  I want to see God bring fruit to bear where I have been faithful to sow His seed.  I want to know intimate fellowship with Jesus.  So my prayer as I endeavour to live life from the inside out this year is for God’s word to be both hidden in my heart and lived out in actions that flow from what I know.  I am asking God to give me eyes to see those opportunities to act on His truth and a heart that is selfless enough to follow through.
What about you?  Can you think of examples in your life where you “know” what God’s word says, but you just can’t seem to get the hang of “doing”?  Or maybe you’ve experienced some of those blessings Jesus promises to those who follow through with putting His words into practice.  Join me in the forums to encourage your sisters who may be struggling to JUST DO IT!

Not just Hiding but Seeking



Erin Evans is the wife of John Evans, Pastor of Community Baptist Church in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, where she has served as Worship Director for the past 8 years.  They have been married for 14 years, and their growing family includes three beautiful daughters – Clara, Elizabeth, and Ella.




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  1. Many times during my husband’s ministry, I knew what I should do in certain situations but failed to do so. “Hide and Seek” applies to all of us as Christians sometimes. Thank you for this insightful devotion.

  2. I have done the “hide and seek” thing also. Sometimes it is so hard to do what I know God wants me to do. I know better. I have felt the amazing feeling God gives me when I promptly follow His will, but still I hesitate or hide. Thank you so much for this devotion. I will try harder to immediately follow God’s will.

  3. Thanks, ladies. I know it’s something we all struggle with in different areas at different times. One area of “delayed obedience” for me is worry. I tend to tire myself out wrestling with worry before finally bringing it to the Lord in prayer. I know faith and trust should be my first response! The beautiful thing about obedience is that God provides the strength to obey when we surrender and are willing. Sometimes we hold back, thinking we just can’t do it, when in reality He will do it through us if we will submit to Him!

  4. Worry is a big one for me too. Two things I’ve found I need to focus on are God’s sovereignty and His goodness. If He is in control and He is good, I can trust Him in any circumstance!

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