Examples of Courage: The Shunammite Woman

Week 9, Wednesday

Pam Brewer

She called her husband and said, “Please send me one of the servants and a donkey so I can go to the man of God quickly and return.” 2 Kings 4:22

This story of faith and courage is captivating! The story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4 tells any woman that courage is attainable. I am impressed that this is a woman who has taken the circumstances of her life and made the very best of them. We immediately see her as one who is strong, influential, and industrious. She is wealthy and obviously has the gift of hospitality. She is a woman who seeks God, recognizing those who belong to Him. We also know her painful secret. She cannot conceive a child. Yet she does not let this pain and disappointment stop her from a fulfilling life of service.

She graciously and confidently does not accept Elisha’s offer of favors. She has no need of those. Then Elisha promises her a child through God’s favor. The Shunammite woman recoils in fear and unbelief. This wound is so painful that she dare not allow it to be uncovered. Nevertheless, God faithfully fulfills His plan for her through the birth of a baby boy.

For a few years the Shunammite woman is lulled into a pleasant, comfortable existence, then trial hits again. This time her faith will truly be tested. Upon the death of her son, she does everything she can to seek God’s power and mercy. Her first words when finding Elisha depict a desperate and offended woman. However, since she did not ask that this child be born, she knows that God has His own plan. The Shunammite woman recognizes this above her own pain and fear, and courageously sets about seeking it. She knows by faith that He will act.

And act God does! When hope is seemingly lost, God asks the woman to follow in obedience. This is a wonderful picture of courage and faith. God is always at work in and around us, allowing our needs to collide with others, so that He can fulfill His plan in both. When we are faced with tests, and we are confident that God is with us, we can act with courage that the sacrifice will be worth the blessings for everyone touched by it.

Heavenly Father, I know that You know the future, and when You work Your plan in my life, You are also working another plan that will collide with mine. Please help me to remember to have courage until I can see the blessings that my faith will bring. Amen.

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