Contentment Is Learned

Week 20, Tuesday
Cathy Horner


I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13

When I read these words of Paul in Philippians, I find them stunning. Paul wrote them as a prisoner in Rome, having endured beatings, hunger, persecution, and shipwreck—all because he was a messenger of the gospel of Christ. He could have easily been despondent and full of anger or self-pity. He was, instead, content within the will of God. How was he able to do it? Paul revealed the secret: union with Christ.

I have a friend who drank deeply of this truth. She had been suffering incredible back pain during the fall we served together in Bible study, but the doctors could not discover the reason. Upon the new year, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. By Easter, she had slipped her earthly bonds to be with the Lord.

During those few months she remained with us after her diagnosis, she was a glorious example of a soul at peace with God’s will. Certainly her heart ached at the thought of leaving her loving husband and sons. She knew she would never live to meet her grandchildren on this earth. Instead of bitterly grumbling at her lot, she focused her mind and her heart on Jesus. Those who went to visit her cringed at how her body was ravaged by the disease, but they also marveled at her radiant, Christ-filled presence. She called her boss who was celebrating his birthday and teased, “You may get to be fifty-five before I do, but I’ll get to be with Jesus before you do!” This, I told myself, is what it looks like to abide in Christ.

Blessedly, when we abide in Jesus, He fills us with Himself and what appears humanly impossible becomes real in our lives. His strength to meet heartache and pain becomes ours for the asking. His peace for enduring trials and deprivation is available in abundance. His courage to move forward in the Father’s will, even though it means enduring suffering, is a deep well ready to be tapped. As we grow in union with Jesus’ heart, He gives us His eternal perspective on the “momentary troubles” of this world and the eternal glory God is bringing forth in our lives through them (see 2 Corinthians 4:16-17).

Contentment with the life we’ve been given must be learned at the feet of Jesus. His loving presence fills and satisfies our souls. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever (see Psalm 73:26).

Lord Jesus, contentment does not come naturally to me, especially when I am suffering. Please fill me with Your peace and strength as I face the trials of this day. I am so grateful that You are my portion and I can ask for Your eternal perspective on what awaits me. Amen.

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