[su_button url=” https://contagiousjoy4him.com/forums/topic/ephesians-intro” style=”bubbles” background=”#6c2f40″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes”]Ephesians–Intro Discussion Forum[/su_button]
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 4 We’ve made it 1/3 way through our study. It’s easy to get behind because well, life. We all have a lot going on which is why online Bible study is such a gift. However, the Enemy is an expert at making us feel guilty and shamed if we don’t…
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/iUkxMa8pPPo” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe> [su_button url=”https://contagiousjoy4him.com/forums/topic/ephesians-lesson-6″ style=”bubbles” background=”#6c2f40″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes”]Ephesians–Lesson 6 Discussion Forum[/su_button]
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 5 In our fifth lesson, we piggy back onto lesson 4 where we considered how God handles the humble. Though we see how God exalts, extends mercy and provides generously for the humble, God is not indifferent to the proud. The week we consider signs of pride in our own…
Meet Bobi Ann Allen, your teacher for the Jesus, Our Joy study. She’ll introduce you to more about the study in this video: PURCHASE THE STUDY GUIDE HERE how online Bible study works from Bobi Ann Allen on Vimeo.
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