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Assignment for the week
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 1 Philippians is such a fascinating book written by a fascinating guy. In this lesson, we’ll cover the background of Philippians: who it was written by and to whom it was written. I’m so grateful for the details that the Bible includes that give us not just a general insight…
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 9I’m so proud of you for making it to lesson 9. It’s never easy to stick with something for this many weeks. I’m certain that God has spoken to your heart as you have allowed His Word to wash over you. In lesson 9, Paul reminds the Philippians of how…
[su_button url=”https://contagiousjoy4him.com/forums/topic/ephesians-lesson-3″ style=”bubbles” background=”#6c2f40″ size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes”]Ephesians–Lesson 3 Discussion Forum[/su_button]
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