Christ Is Sufficient

Week 14, Tuesday
Tammy Ethridge


You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3

Several years ago, our family became certified scuba divers, thus enabling us to dive together and experience God’s amazing underwater creation. On an excursion to the Cayman Islands, we were all geared up and ready to go. As we entered the crystal blue waters, our guide and my family immediately took off with ease. Deeper and deeper they went, but no matter how hard I worked and struggled, I was unable to get down as far as they were. Another guide came to assist me, checking my weights and equipment. More weights were added to get me down; then with peaceful ease, I too could enjoy the magnificent views of the ocean depths. Why? I was not trusting my equipment to supply me with sufficient airflow. Instead of breathing in and out, releasing all the air, I was holding in some of the oxygen, “just in case” the tank didn’t give me enough air on the next breath.

Spiritually, do I really trust Christ to be sufficient for my every need, or am I holding back just in case? I must place my total trust in the Father, knowing that He will supply all my needs. Only by trusting my equipment or adding more weights could I peacefully enjoy the beauties of the sea. God has so much more for us, but only by total trust in every circumstance can we fully enjoy His perfect peace. Peace is not found by fighting and struggling to get there, but by trusting. Sometimes when I refuse to trust, He must add more weight to move me to a place where I must trust Him, thus enjoying the perfect peace that was there for me to experience all the time.

This verse directly relates peace to trust. If I refuse to trust Him, I am rejecting the peace that He promises. I must have a steadfast mind, thus making up my mind that I am going to keep my eyes, my heart, and my emotions fixed securely upon Him to provide whatever I need. He is the “I am” (see Exodus 3:14). Whatever your need, He is sufficient. Allow Jesus to take you into the depths of His peace.

Lord, I give it all to You, holding nothing back. I trust You! In Jesus’ name, amen.

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