True Rest

Week 47, Thursday
Rita Salter
Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives. Matthew 11:28-29 (ncv)

Temperatures had been rising, volunteer loads increasing, distractions mounting, and company changes occurring . . . all within a few months. I felt as if I was just surviving life on the mission field and didn’t know why. My brain was fried. I had reached my breaking point and knew I had to get away. I cried out to the Lord, “How do I keep my commitments when obstacles and distractions keep mounting up against me? I want to release it all to You, Lord.”

My bungalow at the hotel where I was staying that night was being cooled down for me and I looked forward to a much-needed time of rest and escape from people and distractions. But after dinner, I returned to my room only to find that the door lock was broken, so I moved to another bungalow and started the cooling process again. It was 10:30 when the temperature got to a bearable level and then the electricity went off. Heat immediately engulfed the room. I cried out to God in frustration, “Why can’t I have just one night?” Because of the power outage everyone else left the hotel, and that is what I wanted to do, but instead I was urged to stay. The owner set up a bed outside with a mosquito net. At 1:30, I finally fell asleep beneath the stars . . . and God provided a refreshing, cool breeze for me. I slept soundly.

All this time I had been looking for a man-made refuge, but nothing man-made is good except as God allows. It was only when God pulled me outside under the mosquito net that I was able to enjoy quiet, cool, comfortable rest. Why do I not just listen to Him and trust His words? Are you tired? Having a hard time focusing? Do you have so many things on your plate that you can’t seem to complete any of them? Cast your burdens on the Lord and He will give you rest. Have faith, and take God at His word. It is that simple.

Lord, here I am just to be with You. My biggest need is to unpack my mind and allow You to refill it. Lord, You know my needs. They are weighing on me. Please take this burden from me. Empty me of myself and fill me with Your thoughts, Your Spirit, all of You, and none of me. Lord, breathe on me Your refreshment. Amen.

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