A Transformational Message

Week 28, Monday

Diane Strack


For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.

Romans 1:16 (nkjv)

In a world where technology is the primary means of communication, the power of a simple moment—two women listening and sharing—is often dismissed. We may be “ashamed” of what appears to be a minimal offering when all about us are bold advice and opinions, but we can confidently speak of so great a Savior. Jesus was a relational servant stopping to speak at the well, to look up a tree, to turn around in a crowd, go to a bedside, and to hug a child. He often left the crowds to offer salvation one-on-one, listening to needs and doubts, speaking the truths of God’s Word for each individual.

Our group of ladies met one night for prayer in preparation for mentoring single mothers. As we gathered, I saw a young woman, dressed in shorts and flip-flops, weeping softly. She explained that she was newly separated, did not have a church home, and was walking the halls, looking for help. No doubt she had been sent directly to us that night.

I invited her in and introduced her to a mentor. Together they cried, prayed, and talked, and that night the young mother, who turned out to be a family physician, prayed the prayer of salvation. The once wrenched, tearful face produced a tentative smile, and the new sister in Christ proclaimed the belief that she had found hope. This is the prayer of gratitude she wrote just a few weeks later: “Thank you for relieving me of carrying the pain of the past and giving me a peaceful and exciting outlook of the future. Salvation is freedom from bondage, peace, love, and wonderful fullness of life.” This sweet lady came to our study for ten weeks. She came back the next year as a mentor herself, and she has now been the facilitator for New Start for Single Moms several times. Transformed through the power of salvation, this once hopeless one has now become a declarer of the reality of Christ as our hope through teaching the Word, medical missions, and daily in counsel with her patients.

Neither talk shows, blogs, nor opinions will alter a life in a significant way, but keep this confidence in your heart: The power of the gospel will intersect a life with genuine hope and a fresh outlook every time it is received. It is the intimate, personal work of a mighty Savior available to anyone who asks.

Prepare my heart today, Lord, to be used to present the gospel of peace and hope to one in the path You set before me. May I be ready and willing to first listen sincerely and then to share with confidence the power available to one who believes. Amen.

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One Comment

  1. There are too many souls out there that need the truth that we have. God will place these people in our lives some way or another, we need to be able to share it with them. It may mean that you have to get out of comfort zone for just a little while, but it will be well worth it!

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