You Can Run But You Can’t Hide

Happy Fourth of July!  Tomorrow we celebrate the United States Independence from Great Britain!  We celebrate as a nation what makes us who we are.  Though our nation is not perfect I am glad to call this place my home.  Let’s celebrate!  Let’s not take for granted the freedoms we experience.  Let’s honor our country and those men and women who have fought bravely to keep us free.   Many have died for my freedom and yours.  Freedom is never free!  We must be diligent about protecting our freedoms!  Vote!  Be informed! Do your part! Be a good citizen.

 I’ve been thinking about George Orwell’s, “1984”.  The book disturbed me when I first read it. It disturbs me even more today.  First published in 1949, I recently reread through the first pages of this book.  What disturbs me most are the similarities I find in the world that I am currently living and the “Big Brother” world of Orwell’s “1984”.   I’m not surprised by the latest  breaking news concerning a man named Snowden and his leaking the secrets of the National Security Association (“NSA”) activity as it relates to our privacy in the public sector.  I’m not surprised that we are being watched, listened to, checked out or even flagged.

I am disturbed not surprised. 

While I’m disturbed by the invasion of privacy from the NSA, as a Christian I should need no reminder that the Lord is watching. He is watching every aspect of my life and yours. He’s like that.  There are times in ministry we can feel that He isn’t even aware of where we are not to mention how hard we are working.  There are times when heaven seems silent.  Rest assured heaven is not silent nor is our Abba sitting idle while you strive to serve where He has planted you.   He has numbered our days before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:16) The hairs on our heads are numbered. (Matthew 10:30 & Luke 12:7)

“Where can I go to escape Your Spirit?
How can I flee from Your presence?
Psalm 139:7

Adam and Eve, lived in a perfect environment.  Yet, we find them disobeying God and at that moment sin became a part of everyday life.   Can you even imagine living in perfect unity and being convinced that God is still holding out on you?  When they sinned they became aware of their nakedness.  As Donna Gaines writes, “…they ran for cover.  They created their own covering with fig leaves, constructed to conceal their guilt and shame.  They hid themselves from God because they were ashamed of how they looked and of what they had done.  They hid from each other because they were now so aware of themselves that they were self-conscious.”  God came looking for them.  He came in the morning calling them by name.  I don’t think for a second that He didn’t know where they were but He called just the same.  Why is it that when we are made aware of our sin we want to take cover?  To take cover can be:

1. denial
2. not attending church or church related events
3. not talking to our Christian friends
4. withdrawal from normal activities
5. prayerlessness, Bible study

7. no devotional time
8. entertaining thoughts or activities that you would have never entertained before.“The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. What a fool you have been!  From now on you will be at war.”   2 Chronicles 16:9
The goal of the enemy is to keep you separated from God.   He desires for you to form dependence on yourself and ultimately dependence on him. (the prince of this world).  Just as King Asa in 2 Chronicles did not rely on God to fight his battles  – when you and I do the same we lose!  Remember: 
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In this verse we can make the application that when we rely on our own devices and other influences to make our plans it ends in war.  How many of us can relate to that?  But when we fully rely on the Lord and the strength of His might – we will succeed.  We will be strengthened to finish.  We will live the “more”.  The “more” becomes even clearer in the New Testament!
“The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers.  But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil.” I Peter 3:12   
It won’t be easy but when I confess my sin and let Him have His way – God wins my battles for me!  In the old testament above King Asa’s consequence was continual wars but in the new testament verse we see the provision of the savior!  He hears us and is open to our prayers.  So as we desire the “more” let the TRUTH set us free!So in order to come out of  “cover” and experience “more”……1.  Come out of hiding – He’s calling
2.  Admit your wrong honestly – don’t look at anyone else.
3. Confess it first to the Lord – make your relationship right
4.  If your sin involves others – restore your earthly relationships
5. Forgive those who have hurt you as you have been forgiven
6. Replace the lies of the enemy with the Word of Truth
7. Live Daily in the Truth  – Worship in Spirit and Truth!
There is MORE!
Praying for you!

Join me in the Forum.  It’s is a safe place where our Dr. A and other minister’s wives are the only people who can see what you write.

Diane Nix
Diane Nix

Diane Nix is director and founder of Contagious Joy.  She is the spiritual mom of two grown daughters. (Kasia 32 & Courtney 30)  The birth mom of two miracle daughters  – one college bound Rebekah and one 15 going on 20 Rachel.  She and her professor/pastor husband, Dr. Preston Nix,  have served in ministry for 30 years this August.  She speaks and teaches whenever the Lord gives her opportunity.  Gratefully acknowledging that He has plucked her out of her birth family mire in order to share HIS LOVE! 

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  1. How many times have I wanted to say to young ladies, wives and mothers that God does not give up on you? Don’t hide and stay away from church. But I have seen it many times through the years of our ministry. Thank you for this message and I hope to incorporate some of your thoughts in my contact with young women in our church and community.

  2. I know Jean I have experienced the same. But I am encouraged of late by a new breed of young women. I sense a pioneering spirit. They desire more than anything to be what God wants them to be. Praying that we who are older in ministry can show them the way.
    Thanks for posting today. So glad to see you here

  3. Thank you for these reminders…sometimes these simple truths get away from me. Thanks for reminding me today. ~Blessings

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