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  1. Just wanted to say what a blessing Contagious Joy is to me! Being a pastor’s wife can be lonely at times. Contagious Joy connects me with other pastor’s wives who can relate to what I may being feeling or going through. I have been encouraged and inspired by others many times through Contagious Joy. God has worked through you at times so that I have been able to find resources that I may never have known were available and I thank you for that! Keep spreading the JOY!
    In His love, Melissa McDermitt

  2. I haven’t been a member long but in the short time I have received strength, encouragement, and good advise. It’s good to connect with other ladies who share the same or similar struggles and to learn how they have overcome them and apply these ideas to my own life. I hope as time goes on I can encourage some of you. In His Service, RGardner

  3. Thank you for your ministry to me! I enjoy reading the devotions and testimonies and gain so much encouragement from them. Whenever I can, I like to share your website with other ministers wives as well.
    Blessings to you all, Annette Jones

  4. I have just signed up for Contagious Joy and look forward to being part of this. I have been a pastor’s wife for 24 years. I love being the wife of a pastor. It’s not always easy but the blessings outweigh the difficulties.

  5. Contagious Joy is a delight to read. As a retired pastor’s wife, the devotions and articles allow me to reflect on how good God has been to me and my family through the years. I look forward to reading God is Enough.

  6. Thank you so much for all that you do! I enjoy reading the blog posts and I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who takes a word and makes a message out of it. My Mother’s Day message was on Proverbs 31.

    M – Merciful
    O – Obedient
    T – Trustworthy
    H – Honorable
    E – Excellent
    R – Righteous

    Thanks again for all that you do for those of us who have the awesome challenge of being a minister’s wife.

    Glennette Goodbread

  7. I love the encouraging messages I read on the Contagious Joy blog. Being a pastor’s wife can sometimes be very draininbg and lonely, but we are not alone! Thanks again for the encouragement!

  8. Ministers wives are real women and I love how Contagious Joy never forgets that. I am encouraged by the articles, the opportunities, and the reminder that we are not in this all by ourselves. CJ is a blessing I look forward to receiving in my in-box. 🙂 Lynn

  9. I wish I had this source of help and encouragement back when I became a minister’s wife over 22 years ago! There is something special and so meaningful for me as a minister’s wife with these devotions and resources that I haven’t found anywhere else! Thank you for making such a difference!
    All For Christ,

  10. Finally! I got to log in. Since signing up my password/user name didn’t work, no matter what I tried. Then this morning I saw the ipad giveaway mentioned on the Preacher’s Wife FB group and thought I’d give it a try. I was able to reset my password and successfully log in! So glad to finally be here and see what I’ve been missing!

  11. Thanks for all you do, for the time and effort of this site. What a blessing it is! I so enjoy reading the blogs. Thanks again!

  12. I was actually called to be a pastor’s wife BEFORE my husband was called to be a pastor! Yes…..we were already married at the time! That’s how our ministry has been ever since! I often have a time of waiting for God to reveal things to my husband in ministry. That’s OK……God has taught me patience in some amazing ways! I love having this web site where maybe I can share some of my thoughts, struggles and most of all blessings in ministry!

  13. Like Kim, I was also called to be a pastor’s wife before my husband was called to be a pastor. It just took quite a while. After my salvation in high school, I was convinced that I should be married to a pastor one day. Now we have been married for 20 years and I have been a pastor’s wife for 2 years. What a blessing to serve the LORD in this way!

  14. FINALLY!!!! I finally got to log in. Just wanted to say Thank You for a site that we can come to and know others know exactly what we are talking about and know how to to pray for each other.

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