What Is “It” to You?

Week 18, Monday
Debbie Stuart


Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” John 21:21-22 (nkjv)

Last December I had a little meltdown. However, I am thankful to report that my meltdown led to a breakthrough that has changed my life.

Every Christmas I enjoy reading Christmas letters from family and friends and celebrating all the wonderful things the Lord is doing in their lives. But this year my heart just could not take one more “it’s a wonderful life” when my own family was experiencing tremendous sorrow. Years of intense prayer had produced no change that we could see. In my despair I cried out to the Lord with one question, “How come? How come You’ll do great things for some families but not mine?” His answer was quick and pointed, “Because you’ve been chosen; now follow Me through this!”

Days later He showed me more about this in His Word. John 21 describes a conversation between the Lord and Peter (after Peter had denied Jesus three times). The Lord asked Peter (three times), “Do you love Me?” Peter responded that he did, and the Lord replied, “Feed My sheep” (John 21:17, nkjv). Then the conversation took an interesting turn. Verse 18 says, “I tell you the truth, when you were young, you were able to do as you liked; you dressed yourself and went wherever you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and others will dress you and take you where you don’t want to go” (nlt). Then Jesus told him, “Follow me” (verse 19, nlt).

You have to love Peter’s response—He turned and looked at John and said, “What about him?” (paraphrased). Jesus replied, “What is that to you? You follow me!” Or, in other words, “What is it to you?”

I realized my family situation had become an “it,” and “it” almost kept me from following God. Do you have an “it” in your life?

At times we live our lives in frustration, depression, anger, bitterness, and maybe sheer madness because it doesn’t appear God is doing anything to help us. But I assure you God’s providence is at work. Providence is defined as God’s divine care, control, and guidance over a life, situations, and circumstances, making one ready for future events. Pray for providence! Though you cannot go back and make a brand-new start, you can start right now and make a brand-new end.

Lord, I thank You that everything You allow in my life has meaning and benefit and I truly desire for “it” to glorify God. I ask You for divine providence in my life, decisions, and circumstances. I commit today to follow You! Amen.

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