The Me I Want to be…

As minister wives we are always wearing a multitude of hats Kristi Cook Fall10/2 and I really think that we should have more arms! We are wives, mothers, friends, teachers, authors, counselors, mentors, cooks, party planners… You know what I’m talking about! But who are we really??? Have we figured it out? Do we try to be someone we’re not? Are we trying to fit an image? Are we pretending? With our hats do we have matching masks? Oh my… I could go on and on. God created us for a specific purpose and no matter how hard we try to fit into some cookie cutter mold, well its like the step sisters trying to fit in the glass slipper… Ain’t gonna happen. If you were not created to be cinderella, the shoe is not going to fit. I have a remarkable idea that could borderline on genius!!! Why dont we become the person God intended us to be? I bet its more peaceful, rewarding, and successful anyway!

In John Ortberg’s ” The Me I Want to be… Becoming God’s Best Version of You,” covers how we can grow into the person God created us to be. “An acorn can grow into an oak tree, but it cannot become a rose bush.It can be a healthy oak or it can be a stunted oak– but it cannot be a shrub. You will always be you–a growing healthy you or a languishing you– but God did not create you to be anybody else. He pre-wired your temperament. He determined your natural gifts and talents. He made you to feel certain passions and desires. He planned your body and mind. Your uniqueness is God designed.” I find that so refreshing. I am the only one that can fulfill the purpose God created me.

With seven parts to this book, you are sure to find some godly tips on becoming the person God created you to be. With topics such as, “Finding my Identity”, “Flowing with the Spirit”, “Renewing my Mind”, “Redeeming my Time”, “Deepening my Relationships”, “Transforming my Experience”, and “Flowing from Here on Out”. There is definitely a me I want to be. I just need to make sure it’s the same me God wants me to be. 😉

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One Comment

  1. We can’t be anybody, any better than we can be who God made us to be. I don’t understand why that it is so hard sometimes. I know it is more peaceful and not near as hard. We just have to be content with who God made is to be. I just want to be who God made me to be and be content with who I am in HIM!!! This looks like a really good book.

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