The Forgiveness of the Cross

Week 22, Weekend

Kathy Jett


Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”

Luke 23:34 (nlt)

“Father, forgive them.” Who is Jesus referring to in this statement from the cross? Some would say He is referring to the religious leaders who thought they were simply getting rid of a false teacher. Others would say He was referring to the Roman soldiers who were gambling for His clothes while they were carrying out their duties. Still others would point to the jeering crowd who were mocking and making fun of Him.

“Father, forgive them.” Who was Jesus referring to when He spoke these words through swollen and parched lips? He was praying for you and for me, and for every other child of Adam who arrogantly shakes our fist at God and chooses the forbidden fruit of rejecting God.

Jesus was looking through the portals of time and seeing your rejection of the Father’s path in seeking your own way. He was peering over the horizon of time and watching us do those things that no one else sees or knows, but He sees and He knows. As the stream of blood traced down His forehead, over His dry, cracked lips, and covered His swollen tongue, He arched His body upward to fill His lungs so He could say, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”

Today, before you choose to follow your own path without regard for God’s plans, hear those words, “Father, forgive them,” echoing through time. Listen once again to the endless supply of God’s forgiveness and choose to follow Him.

Father, thank You for forgiving me. Help me to show the same forgiveness to those who have hurt me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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