Having All Knowledge

HavingallknowledgeIn the past few days the buzz in the “christian blogosphere” centers around the disasters created by the devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma.  Human attempts at finding the heart of our Abba in the midst of much suffering and loss. I cannot wrap my finite mind around such tragedies.  I speak from a heart that knows there are times when heaven seems silent.  Silence for the answer to my “Why?”  Silence for the cry of my heart.  I write from a heart of living through losing my home not once but twice.  I write from the silent cry of a barren woman’s heart.  I write from the anguish of grief when a child dies.  I write from loss of family members who live but who are dead in their sin and have made decisions that have left them completely, physically unable to make any other decisions for the rest of their lives.  “WHY?!” I cry!  “Why?”   

Life is full of “WHY’S?

Great tragedy is all around me.  It is all around YOU.  Truth be told, we pay little attention until it affects us personally or we see it brought to life through our media.  Media we turn off – when it becomes too overwhelming.  We compartmentalize our lives.  We won’t think about that today.  But tragedy happens everyday, everywhere all the time.  Tragedy of killing that shouldn’t be.  Tragic loss of young who had so much to live.  Suffering and loss without regard to cost.  These not even including natural disasters such as the present. WHY?!!

He who has all knowledge – KNOWS.  He knows the why?  We probably will not –  this side of heaven.  He hears the cries of a mother’s heart.  He KNOWS of the ache in her arms.  He captures every tear in a bottle.  He seeks to redeem every tragedy.  He desires to conquer every fear.  He is the answer.   We cannot shut Him off.  If you are HIS – He will be heard.  He is the ONE WHO KNOWS and He will be HEARD.  We must listen.  STOP and pray, “Know matter what, even if You kill me, I will trust YOU!”  When human knowledge evades me –  I will trust you for the WHY!  I will TRUST the ONE WHO has all KNOWLEDGE for the why….” (paraphrased from Job)

Until then…..

We will cry.

We will pray.

We will remember.

We will wipe our tears.

We will get up.

We will start again.

We will live.

We will help others cry, pray, remember, wipe their tears, get up and start again.

We will love.

We will trust.

We will rest.

We will seek His presence

We will see His provision

We will love those around us.

We will forgive.

We will receive forgiveness.

We will sing.

We will rejoice.

We will worship

We will dance.

We will live until He who has all KNOWLEDGE takes us home and then we will know the “WHY.”

Resting in the arms of the one who has all KNOWLEDGE –

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Diane Nix
Diane Nix

Diane Nix is a wife, mom, professor’s wife, popular speaker and women’s Bible study teacher. She is the “spiritual Mom for two grown daughters (28 & 31) and the biological mom to TWO teenage girls(14-16).  She loves every minute of it – most of the time! The newest addition to her immediate family is her mom who has advanced Alzheimer’s and has come to live with the family in the fall of 2011.  Diane shares her journey of lessons learned while being a Pastor’s wife for 21 years. She and her family experienced the after math of Hurricane Katrina where – after living in New Orleans for only three weeks – they lost every daily living thing.  She as well, shares experiences of surviving a difficult battle with meningitis – 10 months after Hurricane Katrina.



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