Take Courage

Week 52, Tuesday
Janet Wicker
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:27 (nasb)

Jesus had spent the day healing, teaching, and even feeding the large crowd of over five thousand that followed Him. He ordered the disciples to get into the boat to go across the Sea of Galilee as He climbed the mountain to pray alone. A violent storm pummeled their little craft and in those dark hours just before dawn when things look the worst, the Lord came toward them, walking on the sea. Thinking they were seeing a ghost, they were terrified. Jesus commanded them to “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid” (Matthew 14:27, nasb).

This phrase occurs throughout the entire Bible. Daniel was told to “take courage” when he was terrified by the vision and words he heard from God (see Daniel 10:19). Through the prophet Haggai, the Lord told the rebuilders of the temple to “take courage,” for He was with them (see Haggai 2:4). David, in a psalm of fearless trust, said, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage” (Psalm 27:14, nasb). Isaiah prophesied that the day of God’s vengeance would come for those in Zion with anxious hearts, and he challenged them to “take courage” (see Isaiah 35:4). Jesus spoke the same words to a paralytic and to a woman who touched the hem of His garment hoping for a cure (see Matthew 9:2,22).

How do you “take courage?” We do it by receiving the courage God offers freely as we believe Him. We are not alone in the storm or the illness; He is with us. He is our strong defense against our enemies, light in the confusion, and deliverance through the trial. Then, Jesus shouts over the noise of our fear and shattered peace to remind us that He has overcome the world with its assaults against us. Through His resurrection, He has victoriously smashed our adversaries in defeat. So, through His Spirit, we can extend our hand to receive from Him the courage to face what makes us afraid. We take it into our hearts and His peace begins to flood us as we watch our storm stand still!

Dear precious Lord Jesus, I confess that there are times I give in to worry and fear. I ask that You would forgive me for not listening to Your call to “take courage,” and I resolve today to avail myself of this resource through Your Spirit. In Your strong name I pray, amen.

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