Anxious Surrender

Anxious Surrender

Anxious Surrender Imagine what a young, pregnant woman might be thinking as she rode on a donkey into town that day? Every woman I know has experienced some level of anxiety. Consider being 12-14 years old, and suddenly you are carrying the Savior of the World? God’s son. Your only qualification is that you lived a…

Beautifully Broken

Beautifully Broken

I was ugly broken. I didn’t just have hurt feelings; I had shattered emotions. Little pieces of me were everywhere. My emotions were unpredictable. There was a racing dialogue in my head. “He doesn’t love me.” “Will they like me?” “They will never like me.” “You aren’t good enough.” “If they find out who you…

Rhythms of Rest

Rhythms of Rest

Happy Fourth of July to you and your family!  I am hopeful that you are resting and enjoying the freedoms that we experience in this, imperfect but free country!  Today, the fourth of July, my family is at the beach.  We didn’t take a vacation last year, and so most of us have gathered at…

My Word

My Word

Each year, I ask the Lord for a specific word to focus on for the coming year!  I search the scriptures for that word and ask the Lord to teach me.  It’s been quite a journey.  I have learned much. Mid-November I was having a conversation with my team.  I don’t remember the context but…

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