My Word

Each year, I ask the Lord for a specific word to focus on for the coming year!  I search the scriptures for that word and ask the Lord to teach me.  It’s been quite a journey.  I have learned much.

Mid-November I was having a conversation with my team.  I don’t remember the context but I remember what I said, “You have to know your purpose!”  Immediately, I felt a strong impression, this is your word for 2018.  Purpose!  I thought YAY!  Check that off my list!

My team and I finished our conference and I came home….sick.  I’ve been physically sick since that time.  I have spent a great amount of time through Thanksgiving and Christmas sitting in my comfy, quiet time chair, reading, praying and trying to get a diagnosis. Pneumonia was the final diagnosis and recovery has been brutal!  I have wrestled not only physically but also spiritually as I have been trying to hear from the Lord as to whether or not “MY WORD” was truly supposed to be  “Purpose.”

I was weary, physically, emotionally and spiritually.   I couldn’t get a clear thought or confirmation – I was just exhausted.  I would wake up, with my hands on the computer keys, sitting in my comfy chair.  On a particularly hard day, I was crying and wrestling with the Lord and without being too mystical, I just believe that the Lord said, “You have two words this year, Prosper and Purpose.”  I then heard, “Ask Me to prosper you in your purpose!”

To be honest, I have never prayed that the Lord would prosper me!  I have prayed in desperation, “HELP ME, pay this bill!”  “HELP ME, with this ministry budget!”  “HELP ME!”  But never, “Prosper me Lord, so that I might live out my purpose!”

So, I have begun to pray this.  No lightening bolts!  No miraculous happenings!  But a keen awareness of His provision in my life.  Praying something like:

  • Prosper me Lord, spiritually.  Spiritually teach me and help me discern and glean wisdom found in Your Word.  Speak to me through the scriptures and entrust me with Your knowledge as I teach other women and speak of your goodness and your gospel while fulfilling my purpose.
  • Prosper me Lord, physically.  Physically prosper me in the areas of health and finances.  Make me aware of the ways you desire to physically prosper me so that I might fulfill the purpose you have called me.  Provide financially for the ministry you have entrusted to me and for my family as we serve you.  Miraculously show up in ways that we must testify of Your provision.
In Jesus Name, Amen!
God’s desire to prosper us and “to deal with us generously” is in order for us to bring Him glory!  Giving Him glory (a correct estimate of who He is) in everything we do.  We then fulfill the purpose He has called us!
As ministry wives each of us has our own spiritual journey!  What would He have you hear and learn this year?  What does He have for you?  Are you in a hard place?  A place of rest?  A place of blessing?  A place of growth?  A place of moving?  A place of change?  Where are you?
Do you have a word you are focusing on this year?  I would love to hear?
I’ll close with the Psalm 119:17-19 “Deal generously with your servant (Prosper your servant), so that I might live; then I will keep your word.  Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from your instruction.  I am a resident alien on earth; do not hide your commands from me”. 

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Diane Nix is director and founder of Contagious Joy.  She and her professor/pastor husband, Dr. Preston Nix,  have served in ministry for 34 years August 2017.  She speaks and teaches whenever the Lord gives her opportunity.  Gratefully acknowledging that He has plucked her out of her birth family mire in order to share HIS LOVE!
You can check out Contagiousjoy4him & our statement of faith here We Believe.   You can check our Founder and Directors’s speaking schedule here.  Find out more about Diane and our writing team.

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  1. Diane, I appreciate your transparency! My word for the year is REST. Not pyhsical rest but spiritual rest. Your word is enlightening and something I can adapt to in my season of life as well. I believe as ministry wives we should all freely seek God to prosper us in our purpose for His glory. Thank you again for sharing your heart, struggles, and desires. May God prosper you in your purpose beyond what you dare to dream.

  2. Hey Diane! I have been weary physically and spiritually as well over the last few months and God impressed upon me the word I needed for 2018, and it is Jesus. I asked God, “Really? I do think about Jesus and commune with him in prayer for me and many others. Abba, I already have Jesus as my word every day of every year.” Then I got quiet and just listened to His still small voice in my heart and applied it to my head. He spoke, “Jesus is all you need to concentrate on. Everything you are and everything you are blessed with is in Jesus, My Son. Think on Him intentionally and walk in Him believing, trusting and obeying.” Praying for you in the days ahead but especially today!

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