Parenting Through Seasons of Inevitable Adversity

Parenting Through Seasons of Inevitable Adversity

Inevitable adversity. In our current day world filled with all of the twenty-first-century comforts, instant gratification, and entitlement, it seems that adversity has no place. We long to control every aspect of our lives and rush to fix things when difficulty comes storming in. We can’t easily avoid conflict, suffering, and affliction in any part of life, but…

Chosen to Train Them

Chosen to Train Them

by: Marshelle Wilburn As a mother of five biological children, two foster and other spiritual children, I have nurtured “my babies” sometimes to exhaustion over the past three decades. [su_spacer] When you parent younger children, you experience a physical drain resulting from sleep deprivation and extended energy required when they fight naps, teeth are cutting,…

Super Mom

Super Mom

I longed to be a mother, but I was barren for the first twelve years of marriage. Our journey was as follows; Declared barren Five failed open adoptions One still born birth in the six month of pregnancy High-Risk Pregnancy in our twelfth year of marriage Mother’s Day was always a brutal reminder that I…

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