The Sting of Unbelief

Week 13, Tuesday

Susie Hawkins

Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be removed and be cast into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Mark 11:22-23 (nkjv)

In Mark 11:20-33 we see two events: the lesson of the fig tree and the authority of Jesus being questioned by the chief priests and scribes. On the surface, the first event seems to be a strange story, until the reader grasps what Jesus was teaching His disciples. As they were walking that morning, Peter pointed out the withered fig tree, which Jesus had cursed the day before (see Mark 11:12-14). Jesus answered Peter with a short explanation of faith, using the fig tree as a spiritual metaphor of the nation of Israel. The tree looked good from a distance, yet upon closer inspection it was fruitless. The rejection of the Messiah and the hostile unbelief of God’s people had slowly brought about a spiritual “fruitlessness” of God’s people, and it was weighing heavily on Jesus’ mind. The apostle John put it succinctly, “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11, nkjv).

Jesus then contrasted the unbelief of the Jews with genuine faith by using an illustration of a large mountain being cast into the sea, due to simple faith in God. Believing prayer can accomplish the impossible!

At this time, the religious leaders were already plotting Jesus’ death. When He arrived in the temple that day, they questioned Him regarding the nature and source of His authority (referring to His teaching and cleansing of the temple). Jesus refused to answer, instead bringing up the controversial issue of John the Baptist, thus exposing the true motives of their questions. He knew their only purpose was to entrap Him, thereby finding a way to condemn Him by Jewish law.

In both of these incidents, Jesus confronted unbelief. Of course He knew that mankind was inherently sinful and in rebellion against God. But surely the sting of this pain was sharper on this day than at any other time of His earthly ministry. God, in human flesh, was physically present among His people. His teaching, His miracles, and His perfect life were the testimony of His sonship. Yet His people refused to believe who He was, vilifying Him and eventually condemning Him to a violent death.

Lord Jesus, I pray that by the power of Your Spirit, You would increase my faith. I pray that You would forgive me of the sin of unbelief and fill me with a simple, childlike trust in You and Your goodness. I believe, help me with my unbelief. Amen.

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