Simplicity through the hardness of Life

It was the night of our dear Savior’s Birth!

For some people, this time of year is very difficult!  It could be the first Christmas since the death of a loved one.  Maybe someone in your sphere of influence is suffering with a chronic or terminal illness. The person could have a disease related to the mind and he/she doesn’t remember you or the reason for this precious season.  Perhaps someone has lost their job and is financially devastated. Without a Christmas miracle there won’t be a Christmas celebration.  Television is full of stories of happy endings at this Holiday time but the truth is that some – MANY – will not be able or will choose not to participate in the festivities.  How about you? Is it a hard time for you or someone you know?  What can we do?  What should we do?  Are we under any obligation to help others celebrate?  I believe that the answer to this question is a resounding YES! We cannot force anyone to celebrate or come out of darkness but we can give them opportunity.

I wonder did Mary and Joseph have help or support during the time that led up to the birth of Jesus?  I sometimes think about what this young woman and this man talked about in the days that led up to the birth of our Savior.  Mary spent three months with her relative Elizabeth who was pregnant at an advanced age with John the Baptist.  I would have loved to hear the conversations between these two women.  I am certain that the two of them had much to discuss.  One much older, marveling at the blessing of a child at her age and one barely old enough to be called a woman, pregnant with the Son of God.  Do you think any of this was hard for them?  They had no modern conveniences.  Daily life was a hardship and required daily work for basic survival.  And yet sometimes I think we forget that they were ordinary people like you and I.  They were living their lives.  Worshiping, working, sleeping, eating, living, surviving, worshiping, working, sleeping, eating, living, surviving……And then, the interruption.  It was a hard interruption.  It was unexpected and unbelievable but it was the interruption of God.

So here is a challenge for us during this season.  As you go about living your daily life.  LOOK around.  LOOK in front of you.  LOOK beside you.  LOOK behind you. STOP and LOOK.  Has He chosen you for a work that only you can do?  Has the Lord spoken to your heart?  Is there someone who could use a “Christmas Miracle” in your life?  Please LOOK.  Don’t be silent.  Engage.

Worship.  Meditate.  Pray.  Act.

You might be the one in the hard place.  Today, take a moment, be still.  Read the story of Christmas found in Luke 2.  Read it over and over until you understand that the simplest way of celebrating this season is not with the tinsel and glitter but with living by faith that “nothing is impossible with God.”  Give all your burdens to Him and rest in the fact that He knows where you are and He will take care of you. Rest.

OR If you are the hands of service that God could use then – ASK – the Father what your next step should be.  If you know the specific person that you are to minister then seek guidance and counsel without grand emotion and meet this person at their very need.  If you don’t know what you are to do next then – WAIT – while you are LOOKING and ASK – God to reveal HIS plan to you.  HE WILL  – HE always does.

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