Satan Hates Us!

I think in fairly simple terms, such as—in God’s world there are only two families, and two spirits. There is the Holy Spirit, and the unholy spirit. The unholy spirit is of Satan, the ruler of this world, and his job is rob, kill and destroy you. Therefore, you will face opposition, and disappointments. This usually comes when you least expect it, and from people you never dreamed would hurt you. Yes, our enemy Satan is still engaged in his primary work, “to rob, kill, and to destroy.”

It is so easy to acknowledge opposition and think it only comes from those people! Or, maybe you blame circumstances or lack of money, or the changes all around you for the difficulty you face. However, have you looked a bit deeper to understand where the attack springs from and why?  If you become discouraged, you will back away from your ministry for a day or so. If you become fearful, you might hesitate rather than step out in faith.

Perhaps you become so tired of being nice or always allowing others to be first… I did that! I held my ground about being the first person to request a coveted room for my VBS class. I was not about to give it up, no matter what! I used that room too; but the deacon’s wife who also wanted it never got over it. Demanding to have my way destroyed our relationship. Being right, or first, is not always THE way to solve disagreements. We may win the battle, but lose the war!

People talk! It seems the pastor, his wife and their family is their favorite subject to ‘cuss and discuss. We can seldom please everyone at any given time, and yet that is an expectation we face, and must come to live with.

Psalm 55:12-14 speaks of the church friend who wounds. Many church members will be friends who wound.  You may enjoy lunch out with these friends, or your children become friends with their children; you share play dates, but a time may come when that very one is the arrow in your heart. How could she Do that, or SAY that?? She knows better… She became one Satan used to disappoint you, hinder your ministry, and halt your work.  If you become angry and engage in a war of words, Satan wins again. The challenge is guarding your reputation and your Christian witness even though you are right or accurate.

This is just one rule of our game! Of course it is true for all Christians, but it seems all the more applicable for us in ministry.

Romans 12:18 – – If possible, as far as it is up to you, be at peace with all…

Written by Anita Onarecker Wood – She serves on the women’s leadership team for Southern Baptist’s of Texas Convention and is a popular speaker at retreats, special events and loves teaching Bible Study classes!

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