Just Believe

Week 47, Friday

Rita Salter

But Jesus paid no attention to what they said. He told the synagogue leader, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
Mark 5:36 (ncv)

Fear not! These words are repeated throughout God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation and are generally followed by a message that we are about to embark on an unfamiliar and uncomfortable journey with Him . . . if we choose to follow. He may be calling us to a seemingly impossible task. Whatever the case may be, our response reflects our faith. Will we respond in fear or in faith? Fear is the very thing that hinders our walk with the Lord.

I know a lot about fear. You see, when I was growing up I was afraid to talk to people. When I was twenty-six, I was with my dad walking up and down the aisles in a store. He greeted everyone he saw. He would say, “Hi! How ya doin’?” Finally, he turned to me and said, “See, that’s all you have to do.” What’s funny about that story is that I now live in a country where greetings are the most important part of my day. I cannot buy fuel, inquire about an incoming flight, or even talk to a police officer without first greeting and asking about the family. The thing I fear most is the thing I must do every day. I still struggle with even making a phone call—all because of fear.

Fear is a reality, but there is something even greater than fear, and that is God’s faithfulness. When God asks us to do something and we are certain that it is He who is asking, we must simply believe. How do I know when it is God who is asking? Because when He asks, it is usually an impossible task and one that scares me to death. I generally get butterflies in my stomach and often feel sick, but one thing I know, God is about to show up. He wants us to exercise our faith. God wants us simply to have faith and trust Him.

Today, I am constantly put in situations that demand my obedience through sincere faith. On one hand, these situations scare me to death, but on the other, these situations allow me to know God better. I must get beyond the initial fear. I must do exactly what He says: “Just believe!”

Dear Lord, I want to believe. What am I doing in my life today that is due only to Your power? Give me courage to face my fears and walk in faith today. Be Lord over my flesh. Help my unbelief. Amen.

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