More/It’s All About Love

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1 NIV

Last week we discussed giving it up, offering ourselves as a living sacrifice to God, a true act of worship. I admitted to you that there are days when I fail to worship Him in this way. Just last week was one of those days. I was in the midst of the last minute preparations for a community outreach. Those of you in ministry can appreciate the amount of work to complete the days leading up to a major mission project.

Our next door neighbor tends to have a lot visitors and parties. Last week he decided that it would be a fine idea to play loud music, laugh etc outside until 3:00 am. It was a very hot night and we were trying to sleep with our windows open. The cool night breeze was very refreshing. But with the windows open with the breeze came the loud music, cursing and all the noise of someone having a party from next door.  If we closed the windows it was too hot and stuffy. Either way we tried sleep was difficult.

The next morning I went to the local hardware store to get some supplies for the outreach. Our neighbor works there. You guessed it – he greeted me as I walked through the door. He asked if he could help me find anything. My reaction was not that one of love but one of I don’t want to talk to you or I might same something unkind. Though,  I didn’t really say those words out loud – I was thinking them. My response was very short and not so sweet. “No I can find everything I need myself”. I was thinking it’s a small store I’m sure that I can find everything easily. I don’t need HIS help. All I needed from him was to be a quiet neighbor! Even though I didn’t say anything negative I’m sure my body language and perhaps even the look on my face revealed the lack of love in my heart.

We were preparing for a community outreach.  I was in the hardware store to purchase supplies to show our little village the love of Christ.

I had just failed miserably to show my next door neighbor that very same love. What good is a big outreach when the people you encounter during your daily life see bitterness and holding grudges? I am confident that God has placed this man in our lives; right next door for a reason. We may be the only Christians he has in his life right now. Christians (Christ followers) are supposed to be reflections of Him. We may speak of living a life that is surrendered to Christ; we may speak of treating others with kindness but then tear it all down by not loving those closest to us.

James 3:10 says, “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing”. I may have been praising God last week and thanking Him for the opportunity to reach out to our community but I was cursing my neighbor in the next breath. I pray I do better next time. With His help I know I can.

Summer is a busy time for those of us in ministry. Meet me in the forum to talk about the challenges of truly loving with the kind of love that comes from Him.

Join me in the devotionals to post a comment or the  forum to discuss giving it up rather than giving up.

Let’s get honest with each other as we discuss the difficulty of loving the unlovely…..

Choosing His love…Donna

Screen Shot 2012-07-31 at 12.32.39 AMEditor/Membership Coordinator Donna grew up and lived in the Willamette Valley of Oregon until 2004. Then the Lord called her to serve alongside her husband who pastors a very small church in Salmo British Columbia where she coordinates the Women’s Ministry program. She also keeps very busy volunteering in several community organizations. One of the biggest joys of her life are her daughters, son, and grandchildren.

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  1. Donna, Thanks for the reminder that those nearest to us are the ones who will so readily see how we DO or DO NOT portray Christ in our daily lives!

    1. So true Kim!
      A few days ago we were discussing the challenge of loving God’s kind of love; true pure love that only comes from him in small group a few days ago. We agreed that is most difficult with those within our circle. We put higher expectations on them because “they should know better”. They should say those cutting remarks, they should not hold grudges, they should step up and help etc.
      Also when wounded by those close to us the wounds go deeper and take longer to heal. I have to constantly remind myself that God loves those who mistreat me just as much as he does me. I also have to remember that I offend others from time to time and I grieve the Lord as well. He never fails to forgive me and love me no matter what.

  2. Thanks for the comments Kim.
    Just a few days ago in our small group we were discussing the challenge of loving God’s kind of love; true pure love that only comes from him.
    We agreed that is most difficult with those within our own close circle. We put higher expectations on them because “they should know better”. They should not speak unkindly, they should step up and help when needed, they should not holds grudges, they should act well…….like Christians. But guess what, we are part of the they!
    The wounds that come from those close to us go deeper and take longer to heal. The wounds we cause to those close to us go just as deep. I have to constantly remind myself that God loves those who mistreat me just as much as he does me. I also have to remember that I offend others from time to time and I grieve the Lord as well. He never fails to forgive and love me no matter what

  3. Donna, I understand where you are coming from for I have done the same thing. It is hard to deal with seeing the one person you didn’t want to see because you are not over the hurt or whatever else caused your mood. Sometimes I wonder if the Lord puts that person in our path so He can deal with our attitude, not that the Lord is condemning us but to draw us back to Him so we can demonstrate His love to that person. My pastor husband and I are dealing with a situation with a former staff member that we love like a son. He has very publicly voiced his approval of gay marriage. I feel he has disgraced his ministry, disgraced the pulpit, betrayed the youth he led, and hurt my husband’s ministry as well. So far we have both remained silent. We want to say something to him but we both know he will berate us on social media. Since he still has family in our church I fear what I will say and how I will act the next time he visits. Please pray for him and for us.

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