More/Give It Up!

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1 NIV

I know a dear lady by the name of Melanie Hart. She is a recording artist and has a cd titled “A New Thing”. The inspiration for one of her songs is Romans 12: 1-2 and is entitled, “What is Your Desire” . 

A few years ago as I was going about my housework and talking with God about my woes this song began to play. My mind cleared and I had the answer to questions about my struggles. Give it up! Give up the struggling, the worrying and the tension.

Present myself as a living sacrifice. 

Sacrifice sounds so negative and gives the idea of total loss. The definition according to Webster: “the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.”

God calling is a higher claim indeed. However, as I moved forward from that day I saw that offering my living sacrifice did not cause destruction of something desirable but rather something undesirable. It also built up something far greater; hope, love, the ability to see past the present troubles and to see His purpose. As Melanie Hart said in her song,

“cast off the darkness and put on the armor of light, He is my provision.”

I would like to say that after that day I continued offering my life as a living sacrifice. But alas, I did not. Some days I got caught up in the struggle and neglected to put on the armour of light. I lost sight of the fact that he was my provision and the struggles I was facing may very well be His mercy. They are often His way of showing me something or helping someone else that I am unaware.  I took on the battle rather than giving it to Him. This can complicate the situation and sometimes prolong the pain and difficulty.

As the years have passed I have found that there are fewer days that I struggle but it takes a conscious effort to remember I need not worry.  There are days when I still feel forgotten and neglected. I must remind myself that no matter what people do or don’t do God never will forget me and He desires the best for me. There are those days when others speak untruths about me, ridicule me or mistreat me. I let anger rise and far too often try to defend myself rather than let God be in control. I can truly let Christ work in and through me when I lovingly and patiently go through my day knowing full well that I am a child of God and He desires to use me to expand His kingdom. I cannot do that when I am worrying, struggling and demanding my rights and preferences…..

Give it up, worship Him and let others see Him in you!

Join me in the forum to discuss giving it up rather than giving up.

We’ll talk next week “All about love”

Screen Shot 2012-07-31 at 12.32.39 AMEditor/Membership Coordinator Donna grew up and lived in the Willamette Valley of Oregon until 2004. Then the Lord called her to serve alongside her husband who pastors a very small church in Salmo British Columbia where she coordinates the Women’s Ministry program. She also keeps very busy volunteering in several community organizations. One of the biggest joys of her life are her daughters, son, and grandchildren.

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  1. Enjoyed reading this blog post today. Romans 12:1-2 has always been one of my favorite verses. Thank you so much for your insight on sacrifice! Too many times our vision is on the circumstances and not on the One who is in control of the circumstances. I am going to look for that song too. I plan to share this with a friend at church who is struggling today. Thanks again!

  2. Really struggling today I needed to read this. God sent it to me through you. Thanks, Judy

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I, too, struggle with letting others sidetrack me. I keep reminding myself that I am God’s, but I sometimes confuse serving others in His name with serving them. Your devotion reminds me to keep the focus on Him.

  4. I am just completing a very busy week of Vacation Bible School. It is so easy to forget why and for whom we do this and get caught up in the stress and work to be done. I really needed the reminder of who is in control, who I am and to whom I belong.

  5. I struggle with this also and it all seems to attack me at night when I am trying to go to sleep. I have been doing a “visualization” of writing down all the struggles, concerns, and anything else pressing on my mind, on little slips of paper, putting them in a box and sending them to God to take care of. I am learning to become more dependent on Him.

  6. I struggled with this this week. I was struggling with a friends decision that she is making. I am trying to give her advice because she comes to me asking what to do. It was affecting my attitude toward my family. But I just had to turn to God and talk to Him and let him know how I felt. I just prayed that God would change her heart and she would make the right decision and that my attitude would change. I know that He is in control of all of it and in the end He will still get all the Glory!!

  7. Thank you for the reminder that God doesn’t ask us to sacrifice as a punishment! It is for our benefit!

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