Loving God’s Word

Week 17, Thursday
Lori Frank


All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

We live in a world where people want to deny the existence of moral absolutes. We are raising our families in a climate that urges us to find our own truth. Science and empirical data are considered the only reality, and the things seen only through the eyes of faith are foolish.

Contrary to this way of thinking is the Bible’s claim to be truth and Jesus’ claim to be truth incarnate. The truth of these claims is the believer’s anchor. It is the tether of our lives to the Holy One who breathed these words into being. The Scripture is a living thing. It is the “power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). It is the rulebook, the playbook, and the wisdom we need to know God. Oh, how we should cherish it! Oh, how we should crave it. We should strive to apply and learn every word. We should love it with passion.

The book of James describes the Word of God as a mirror (see 1:23-25). As we gaze into it we are exposed for what we really are. We can walk away and forget how we looked or take action to adjust ourselves to the standard it portrays. When our hearts are breaking it shines the light on our wounds and makes it okay to be honest before God. It paves the way for healing by illuminating the source of the pain.

When the Word of God is the foundation of your life, when all the world is in chaos or destruction, you stand firm. But, just as it is in earthly relationships, love is a verb. We can’t say, “I love your Word,” and not seek it daily. We can’t say, “Your Word is life to me,” and not live by it. We can’t say, “Your Word is truth,” and ignore the sections of it that are difficult or unpopular. The more we read it, apply it, meditate on it, and study it the more precious and personal it becomes. We love it more and more. And thus, we love God more. When we gaze into the eyes of God through Scripture, we can’t help but exclaim like Peter, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life” (John 6:68).

Father, how I love You! Your Word is a precious and perfect gift. Help me love it more each day. Teach me to know it and live by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Reveal Yourself to me by Your eternal Word. Amen.

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