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Jesus, Our Joy–Lesson 3
Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 3In this lesson, we finish up Paul’s introduction of his letter to the Philippians. This section of the letter certainly challenges our way of thinking when it comes to experiencing true joy. We discover that Paul is living out some of our worst nightmares when it comes to opposition to…
Jesus, Our Joy–Lesson 9
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Jesus, Our Joy – Lesson 2
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Jesus, Our Joy–Intro
Meet Bobi Ann Allen, your teacher for the Jesus, Our Joy study. She’ll introduce you to more about the study in this video: PURCHASE THE STUDY GUIDE HERE how online Bible study works from Bobi Ann Allen on Vimeo.
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Hey my friends,
I got to thinking about my friend Melissa and the story I shared about her. You might enjoy seeing what she’s doing in her life now. Go check out her website, She makes hilarious videos! Follow her on facebook. 🙂
Talk to us! Here are our discussion starters…
1. Have you ever been parasailing? What have you done that will make the rest of us think you’re really cool?
2. Has God ever promised you something then allowed something bizarre to happen instead? If so, (and you’re willing to share) tell us what happened and how that felt.
3. Are you waiting on God to answer a prayer right now? Would you be willing to share that prayer with these women? If so, please share and invite these women to pray with you.
Hello all,
I have done something real cool. In the fall of 2017, I swam with sting rays. Did I mention that I do not know how to swim? Lol!
It is true. I stood in the waters of Cayman islands. My daughter was frightened and I had to comfort her. The section where I stood was not deep. However, the fear of stepping on a barb or upsetting the sting rays was on my mind. These particular sting rays were not aggressive. They rubbed up against me and swirled all around me. My nerves were shot.😔 I knew that I had to encourage my daughter to fear not. Therefore, that ment I had to be strong. It was a challenge for me. As you can see, I survived. 😁
Skipping question 2 and on to 3.
I am praying and waiting to hear from God regarding my son. My husband and I are believing that God will help my son to become self sufficient and not depend on medicine to help him focus. I am seeking God for another profession other than education. I have served as an educator for 22 years and need a change. I do not feel effective anymore. Need direction and guidance and the sensitivity to hear the Holy Spirit. I want to be in the will of the Lord.
Thank you for this bible study.
I think that’s WAY COOL!!!! Was your daughter impressed? I will join you in praying for your son to be able to be self-sufficient and able to focus! Also, for you to hear God’s direction in your “what next!” Keep us posted!
And you are certainly welcome for the study!