The Insignificance of the Disciple Maker
Have you ever found yourself in a position or place where you did not feel at all adequate to do what you were called upon to do? Oh, I have, many times, as a wife, as a mom, in my job, and even in ministry. I was thinking about how ill-equipped I have felt many times when God has called me to do something.
In thinking through the entire process of making disciples, it begins with a call. It does not require a seminary degree or special training. It is merely a call to obedience in fulfilling the purpose of the gospel—to make disciples. The call is for everyone who has been saved. Paul stated that he was called to be an apostle and there was a specific call on his life to share the gospel with the Gentiles. He stated in Romans 1:6 that we are among the called of Jesus Christ. This call on our lives is one that brings purpose to our Christian lives. Paul also told us in Ephesians 4:1 that we are to live a life worthy of the calling. Romans 11:29 says the call of God is irrevocable.
Second Timothy 1:9 states that this calling is not according to our own works, but according to His own purpose and grace. In 1 Corinthians 1:26 it is clear that our calling is not because of our abilities and qualifications, but because God chose the weak and insignificant things of this world in order to display His glory. I am not qualified at all to make disciples, but I have learned that God does not call the equipped, but rather He equips the called. He is the One who calls us to this great adventure of making disciples and then He equips us. We find, however, that God promises all we need pertaining to life and godliness, thus that means we have all we need in order to do what He has called us to. Our confidence does not come from anything we can do but rather our adequacy is from God (see 2 Corinthians 3:5-6).
Father, with each passing day, I realize the vastness of my inability to do what You have called me to do. I am thankful that I do not have to depend upon my own resources to accomplish the call You have on my life, but that You have provided everything I need according to Your working and Your purpose. Amen.