Heavenly Armies

“O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O LORD? You are entirely faithful.” Psalm 89:8

Lately I’ve been fascinated by all of the biblical references to the “God of Heaven’s Armies.” In the Old Testament, the God of Heaven’s Armies is both just, and merciful. He has a jealous love for His people, and is in complete control of their destinies. When He speaks, He speaks with power and truth. He is faithful to His promises…always.

During my freshman year of college, my family was in the process of adjusting to a new city, state, and church. My father pastored the church I grew up in fourteen years before moving. I wasn’t the typical pastor’s kid who was used to the idea of frequent relocation. My sisters were in 7th and 11th grade at the time and were adjusting, rather grudgingly, to a new school. We had moved closer to extended family members, and my college campus was only an hour’s drive away from our new home.

Things went well for most of the first year. Typical of a move, it was taking time to adjust, but overall, things were going smoothly. At the beginning of my sophomore year of college, I was studying in my dorm room when a friend messaged me asking what was going on with my dad and our church. He’d come across a blog with some interesting “information” on it about my father. Curious, I looked up the site. As I sat there reading, for the first time, hateful, distorted lies about my family, my father personally, his ministry, and our church, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of shock and anger. Who were these people and why did they seem to be “after” my family?! It definitely felt personal to me.

After that moment, things became a blur. Over the next year or so, my father, our family, and our church came under serious speculation and scrutiny in our community and beyond. It was one of the first times I’d heard of internet attacks on pastors, and it was’t just any pastor, it was my own father.

There were many things that happened during that confusing, frustrating, difficult time, and now, almost eight years later, it all seems fuzzy in my memory. The crazy thing is, you’d really never know anything ever happened. Eight years ago I wasn’t sure if my father was going to remain a pastor, and now, he is an incredible leader and godly voice in that very same church and city.

Those difficult days for my family took us by complete surprise, but I know this: the God of Heaven’s Armies is never surprised and He is entirely faithful.

There were days God seemed silent. Like Job, it was difficult not to question whether or not God had forsaken us. God sent faithful prayer warriors, friends, and loving church members to walk with us through that dark time in ministry. I have never before or since seen my father – my big, strong, godly father – so discouraged or defeated. But, even in the midst of all of that, God sustained my us – through His word and His saints.

In times of difficulty and hardship in ministry, I’ve learned some invaluable lessons from my sweet parents who so modeled Christ to our family and to others through it all.

In times of despair or confusion, go back to God’s original word and promise to you, and cling to it. His words will not be shaken. Both of my parents received specific words from the Lord regarding our move, and no matter what happened in the end, they new they had done exactly what He had called them to do. God’s promises are more than enough to stand on in times of trouble.

Pray. Pray. Pray. Read the Word. Pray.

The prayers of my parents have shaped my very soul. I know the times of difficulty we faced during that season had purposes beyond what I may ever know, but personally, it served as a faith-builder and showed me more and more who the God of Heaven’s Armies really is, confirming He will always cause things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

God is truly the most constant friend we could ever have. He is a God of details and knows our needs before we bring them before His thrown. God doesn’t promise a lack of suffering in this life, because we all know He himself suffered more than we ever could. But, He does promise this: He. Is. Faithful.

Our future is not dependent upon a “successful” ministry, a growing church, a likable personality, or perfection on our part. Our only requirement is to do the will of God. Our future was determined once and for all in Christ, and though the journey to eternity with God may include some bumps and bruises, we’ll never walk it alone.

“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act…those who trust in the Lord will possess the land….Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever. They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough…The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” (Psalm 37:7,18-19, 23-24)

Finally, be encouraged by this excerpt from Chris Tomlin’s song, “God of Angel Armies.” You are not alone!

“I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies

Is always by my side”

So have your say.  How do you deal with the battles we experience in ministry?  I would love to read your comments in the forum or here.  Remember when you click on the forum if you are not signed in you will need to do so in order to post a comment.

Lindsey Wingo is the wife of Worship Pastor, Ryan Wingo and together they have two daughters, Ivey (3), and Ruthie (1). She is also a pastor’s daughter, so ministry life is all she has ever known! She is currently a stay-at-home mom and spends her days among piles of toys, sippy cups, laundry, and groceries. Lindsey has a passion for women’s ministry and loves nothing more than conversing with a fellow sister in Christ over a hot cup of coffee…and chocolate of course! With a newly rediscovered love for writing, as well as a desire to encourage other mom’s, Lindsey recently launched a collaborative blog for mothers at missionalmotherhood.com.  Lindsey also enjoys writing letters to her daughters on her personal blog, which can be found at lindseywingo.blogspot.com.
 Read more about us.

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One Comment

  1. oh thank you for sharing, I too am a PK and PW and am in a season of doubt- God has always been faithful but it’s good to know I’m not alone 🙂

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