
Week 47, Wednesday

Rita Salter

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1 (nkjv)

Where am I dwelling? Sincere faith means taking God at His word. There is no point in asking God to increase our faith if we do not believe His Word. If we want to abide under the shadow of the Almighty, we must take time to dwell in the secret place.

I have a friend who used to comment on how I never say anything negative. Another friend had a nickname for me: Polly Sunshine. But the last few months, this has not been true.

Too much is happening too fast and I can’t think and my personal time is being sucked away. I didn’t even stop to rest yesterday. In fact, I didn’t even stop to refresh my spirit before the start of the day. There’s the problem. It’s no wonder I am in the shape I’m in. But there are so many things to take care of.

We were expecting a group of volunteers on a mission trip. On the night before they arrived, I thought, “Oh no! I haven’t picked up their money and our office will be closed tomorrow!” I quickly grabbed the phone and made arrangements for the money to be put in my mailbox.

The next evening, I ran by the office to pick up the money only to discover that the volunteer car had a flat. After many phone calls, I finally reached an office worker who took care of the situation. I picked up the volunteers at the airport, but their luggage did not arrive. On the way to the guesthouse, we did a quick inventory of the items they would need: GPS, flashlight, sheets, mosquito spray, snacks, picnic food, and extra clothes for the women. Fortunately, previous volunteers had left snacks and picnic items and I had other items they could use, so after dropping the volunteers off at the guesthouse I quickly gathered the items they needed.

I was so focused on the negative that I almost missed God’s provision. Had I not made a trip to the office for the money the night before, I would not have seen the flat tire and the team would have been delayed on their mission. It was not until I stopped and rested in the Lord that I was able to see how He was working. If I had been spending time with the Lord and resting in His dwelling place I would have had faith in His provision all along.

Father, please forgive me for not trusting in Your Word. I want my faith to be sincere and I know that will happen only as I believe. I must not neglect my time with You. Allow Your Spirit to refresh and flourish within me. Continue teaching me how to simply abide in You. I want to see the beauty of each day with You, Lord. Amen.

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