Courage to Stand

Week 27, Thursday

Sandy Smith


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Ephesians 6:10-11

Courage is purposeful determination in the face of difficulty. Difficult situations come, but our purpose as mature Christ followers is to know that these situations will occur and to walk in close fellowship with Christ.

I saw this truth tested when our church entered a time of transition. Due to our rapidly changing neighborhood, it was critical that we become multicultural. We also recognized the falling away of young families as other churches resisted letting go of old traditions and incorporating new methods. It took great courage for my husband to lead in this difficult, heart-breaking task of change.

A leader must listen to, advise, and bring people along, but, at the same time, he must be willing take a stand. People have opinions and convictions that are not always from the Word of God. The realization that not everyone is referencing the situation from the same vantage point is critical to keeping a loving perspective. In the church there must be a vision caster—a leader who spends time studying the future of the church and gets his direction from God.

Giving direction takes great courage because relationships with people grow deeply personal with years of service. Some of them may disagree vocally with the new direction of the church and may decide to change churches. Sunday after Sunday you witness the draining out of your lifeblood as the numbers shrink. Regardless, my husband stood firm in his conviction that this was the right direction for our church’s future.

Now, the complexion and spirit of our church has completely changed. Every Sunday people of every ethnicity and background eagerly anticipate worship. The critical spirit is gone, for the most part, and people are hungry to grow. I watched my husband agonize for years in this process. It was one of the hardest things he has ever done, but God is faithful. We have seen more people won to Christ and baptized in the last two years than the previous five years combined. It is exciting to witness God’s confirming hand on our healthy, growing church. The diversity enlarges our perspective, reminds me of heaven, and makes me smile.

Dear Lord God, as I study Your Word and You reveal the truth, help me to release those traditions that I have held too tightly and stand firm on truth. Give me courage to love those who disagree, but to not be deterred from my God-given path. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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One Comment

  1. This is a prayer that I must pray everyday…I know that difficult situations and decisions will occur, sometimes more than others, but as long as I keep on my armor and let God lead me, then I will have the courage to stand.

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