My Word!

My Word!

Each year, I ask the Lord for a specific word to focus on for the coming year!  I search the scriptures for that word and ask the Lord to teach me.  It’s been quite a journey.  I have learned much. Mid-November I was having a conversation with my team.  I don’t remember the context but…



By: Anita Cook Life is hard. Ministry is messy. Jesus never shied away from the messy and ran head on into the difficult. He touched the unclean and hung out with the outcasts, thieves, and adulterers. Jesus sought out, lived with, and loved them all, no matter how unfathomable their mess might be. He loved…

Latter Rain

Latter Rain

By: Erica Irvin Often we live lives filled with transition. These transitions can come in ministry, relationships, family, marriage, careers, and so many other areas. God has a plan for us, so when faced with a season of transition we must prepare ourselves for growth. God wants to send an outpouring our way that will…

I Remember

I Remember

By: Diane Nix For the past 11 years when the end of August comes rolling around, I remember. Memories flood over me like the waters of Hurricane Katrina.  My family evacuated our home in New Orleans 12 years ago this week.  A home, in which we had lived for only three weeks.  I had complained…

Let Them Love You!

Let Them Love You!

By:  Rebecca Holloway   Your husband has stood beside countless bedsides as dear saints have gone home to glory. You have taken food to those who are sick or have had surgery. You have thrown countless baby showers and wedding showers. Your minister husband and you have prayed with many who have serious family needs…

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