Be Real

The best gift you can bring to your new spiritual family is you! This is not merely your personality, or your unique likes or dislikes, abilities or gifting, it is more about your distinctive character qualities that magnify God. Qualities like integrity and sincerity, two traits that will prompt favor with people in your congregation.

Did you know that the word “be” is a verb? God asks us to be!

He wants us to be women of integrity. Prov. 2:7  He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity. Also, Psalm 51:6a …You desire integrity in the inner man… We are to BE honest and reliable.

2 Corinthians 2:17 says this so clearly: For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God. We are to be sincere as we engage with others. Sincere—no hidden messages, no hidden agendas, truthful. Seek to be a woman of your word, building a reputation of trust among your congregation.

When I remember that I am accountable to God, it helps me hold my tongue: when I want to respond in anger or frustration, God helps me think first and choose a more proper response. Thoughtless outbursts tear down God’s work; I must remember that He trusted me with a position of influence, which means I submit my way to His way of integrity.

Sweet friends, this is a lifetime goal, however today is the day to begin! Ask Jesus to help you to BE pleasing to him, and a sincere woman of integrity.

Anita Onarecker Wood

Author/Devotional Writer/Speaker and Teacher Anita writes from a God-given passion and the overflow of His activity in her life. She was a young mother of two when her husband Dick Onarecker, recognized God’s call on his life. Suddenly she was a minister’s wife! For years they worked together, so when Dick died suddenly in 1996, her life changed in every conceivable way. More…

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