God’s Instruction Book

Week 26, Thursday

Ginger Spradlin

Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it. Deuteronomy 12:32 (nkjv)

When my children were growing up, my husband and I would occasionally purchase a toy that required assembly. Sometimes we attempted to put it together without reading the instructions. After all, we were two grown adults, so how hard could it be? After a great amount of frustration, we would remember that when all else fails, read the instructions. Sometimes we approach God’s instructions in the same way. We try to make it through life without following them, and then we wonder why things end up in such a mess.

God’s instructions were given to keep us from failing. If we could somehow truly grasp the amazing love that was behind every word God penned to us, it would be easier for us to submit to His plans and simply trust and obey Him. We should find rest and safety as we follow the instructions given by the One who made us. After all, who could possibly know better for us than the One who created us?

We must all choose what authority we use to determine right and wrong in our lives. For some it may be what society dictates, for others it will simply be a matter of looking to themselves to determine what is right. As believers our authority is God’s Word. We are not to add anything that might make us feel better; neither are we to omit things we may not like or fully understand. God’s Word is perfect, and it stands alone. It is God’s trustworthy directions given out of love. We are wise to carefully follow His directions. Proverbs 3:5-6 so perfectly instructs us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (nkjv).

Thank You, Lord, for Your instructions that I can trust to lead me through this day and every day. Help me today to be intentional in discovering Your truth. May I not only come to understand Your instructions, but also have the courage to carefully follow them. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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