2020 Refresh Retreats & More

I have just returned from nineteen days on the road. We have hosted 4 back to back Refresh Retreats and I have taught at a You Lead for Life Way. It has been a blessing! God has met with us at each retreat and has refreshed and renewed each woman who attended. I connected with several wives at You Lead, held at FBC Woodstock, Georgia. This girl is tired physically but empowered spiritually!
Our God planned for us to live full, meaningful lives now! (John 10:10) So let’s do it together with laser focus in 2020. We have only 4 months until our 2nd annual Empower 2020 @ the Cove happens. We have laid out a plan for Refresh Retreats below and our prayer is that you as Ministry Leaders will engage in self-care-so that you will lead out of an overflow!
In the comings days, we will:
We have an amazing year ahead of us as I know you do as well. Please take a moment and explore the opportunities to self care this year! You will only lead well if you are well.

Praying for you daily – Remember this: “…..having done everything, stand firm. Stand firm therefore.” And answer this question, “Have you done everything in order to stand firm?”

Come on girl! Let’s do this together in 2020!

Diane is the director and founder of Contagious Joy 4 Him. Diane’s life bears the scars of addiction, abuse, loss, and dysfunction. She remembers being drawn to spiritual things. Searching for the One who could bring peace, she found her Savior, Jesus Christ! And soon after her salvation, she surrendered to ministry. Diane has lost all material possessions on two different occasions. Once by a house fire and another by Hurricane Katrina. She has survived a life-threatening illness,
Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @nixheart and on her ministry Facebook: contagiousjoy4him.com, Instagram & Twitter: @contagiousjoy4him or cj4h.org

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